I don't like you (1) 🌸

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This story is basically Cherry being in denial of liking Joe. Dw it's nothing really angsty. Mostly fluff.  Enjoy :))

Cherry's Pov

After the whole thing with Adam my perspective on Joe had totally changed. With him taking care of me and all I just can't seem to hate him. I mean he is annoying, makes me angry but I don't want to feel like that anymore. My heart goes all fuzzy and I get all flustered whenever I am with him. I don't know why this keeps happening.

Everytime I see him with a girl I get all jealous and wished it was me instead of them. I wished he would hug me like he does to them. I wished he would kiss me like he would to them. I wished he would treat me the same as he does to them.

I know I shouldn't think like this since he's my best friend and all but I just can't stop. I don't know if I should tell someone or should I just figure it myself.

Miya's Pov

Me, Reki, Langa, Shadow and Cherry decided to visit Joe's restaurant for a while until "S" starts but Cherry seems a bit weird. He is normally reading while we wait but he seems to be staring off and thinking about something serious. His nose scrunches up whenever he thinks of something stressful or something he doesn't like and he is doing it a lot right now. I don't really want to ask him anything yet while we are with Reki and Langa. It will be best to ask when we are alone.

Time skip to "S"~

Cherry's Pov

After the visit at Joe's restaurant I went back to my house to change into my "S" attire. I put on my outfit and headed out the door. I used my car since I didn't really feel like skating. I listened to some music on the way and before I knew it I got to "S". I parked in a parking lot nearby and skated in. When I got through the entrance I could hear fangirl & fanboys screaming my name and wanting them to notice them. I waved to a couple of them before skating to the group. Seems like everyone is here besides Joe.

I stopped and said hi to everyone and asked if there's anything interesting happening today. Reki started "Well I heard some random person is challenging Joe to a beef." I replied with an "Oh." before turning my attention to a crowd of women & men screaming Joe's name. I sighed and waited for Joe to come over.

He finally did and all of us were talking about skating and other random things. It was finally time for the race to start. Joe almost skated to the starting line before turning around to ruffle my hair a bit before giving me a grin. My face immediately heated up. The things he do to me I thought as I tried to calm down.

The race finally started and most of the crowd were cheering for Joe since he's probably better than the newbie. Some people were cheering for the rookie since they thought he might be like Langa and possibly surprise everyone.

Joe did some incredible tricks and looked pretty cool doing it not that I would ever confess saying that. He was in the lead and won at the end. The rookie didn't stand a chance and looked embarrassed changeling him.

Since we were waiting for him in the finishing line we ran, mostly the boys. Me and Shadow walked to him. All of us congratulated him for winning. After all the celebration die down Joe was about to say something to me before Sakura (a character I made up for this story lol) dragged him away from us. She had pink hair just like me, wore glasses and she always wear kimonos to the races. I am pretty sure she started doing this when she recognized me and Kojiro at an arcade a couple months back.

Flashback time~

Me and Kojiro are going on to meet up at an arcade since we haven't spent time together in a while. We met up at a cafe before starting our journey to the arcade. We finally arrived and we put points into our arcade cards so we could play the games. Kojiro started with dance dance revolution since he wanted to show off his "amazing" dance moves. He asked me to join but I refused and just said I'll just watch. He kept missing the moves and failed miserably. I couldn't stop laughing.

We played other games like pac-man, asteroids, street fighter, claw machines and ect. He won me tons of plushies and had lots of fun. Before we exited we were stopped by a girl. She had short brown hair and wore a cute little dress. "Hey! You're Joe right? Oh and hi Cherry." she said. I could have sworn her tone changed when she saw me.

And off they went. The girl was rubbing Kojiro's muscles, holding his arm, giving him kisses on the cheeks and other stuff. I couldn't stand it anymore and left. Later Kojiro apologize for just ditching me for her.

Back to present time~

Since then she dyed her hair pink, got extension for her hair and started dressing differently. I'm not saying she's copying me but her personality and the way she acts completely changed. I was snapped back into reality by Miya nudging my shoulders. "Hey can we talk?" Miya asked whispering. "Oh yeah sure?" I answered thinking he was about to rant about his problems at school which is totally fine with me. I'll always help him.

We left the group and skated our way to a nearby park. I sat on the swings waiting for him to start. "Cherry are you okay?" He said. I was a bit confused on why he asked that but I answered "Yeah I'm totally fine why?" "I know you're lying. I know you are stressed about something. You can talk to me." he pleaded.

I rubbed my forehead and said "I'll start now. You see every since the accident with Adam I've been seeing Joe in a different way. The way he took care of me when I couldn't do it on my own. The things he did to me. The way I would get jealous when he's with other people. I am in love with him god dammit. I am inlove with my best friend." I was indeed shocked that I was confessing to someone that I liked someone.

"Hah wasn't that easy." chuckled Miya. "I guess I feel a tiny bit better since I let everything out." I sighed. "Well now since I know what's happening to you I'll help you confess to him." He said. "No no, it's fine. It's my love life after all. I will do it myself. I'll confess myself." I said as I gave Miya a small reassuring smile.

Words : 1173

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