chapter 1

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Nicki's pov:

Today is my friend Candice birthday and I really am excited for her. I invited a few of my celebrity friends to help turn up with us.

At the party I was dancing and talking to everyone. We all poured drinks and made toasts.

"Nicki thank you so much" she said coming up to me.

"You're welcome." I said coming to hug her. Suddenly a squealing girl came up to us.

"Candice!!" She screamed. I looked at her. She was mixed with curly hair and toned but thick with curves and a little over the average height for a girl. She had dimples like me and a good looking ass.

"Cam! " Candice yelped and hugged her. "Oh Nicki this is Camaryn "

"Hi " I said. She just stared at me.

"Oh I forgot she is a big fan" I laughed.

"Well nice to meet you" I said. She blushed.

"You too Nicki Minaj "

"Just call me Nicki " I said. She smiled.


"So how do y'all know eachother? "

"We work together" Candice said.

"Oh so you're a designer too?"


"Cool, Maybe I should let you do a outfit on me"

"Oh my... can I!? It would be a dream come true" she said.

"We'll be in touch" I said laughing and walked away. I had went to the bathroom. After leaving the bathroom I went to find Candice. She was sharing a dance with her boyfriend. I just smiled and took a seat. I seen Camaryn talking to a dude flirting hard with her and I could tell she wasn't interested. I got up and went over to her.

"Hey Cam,  we need your help" I said pulling her away before he could say anything else.

"My help?"

"No, not really. But I could tell you needed my help. I seen your body language towards that dude"

"Oh" she said laughing, "he had asked me if I wanted to go to his place later".

"Were you?" I asked.

"Ofcoarse not"

"How would you feel if I asked if you would come to my place with me later?"

"I would love that" she said. I smiled. She was so cute.

"Okay, Well when the party is over I'll look for ya" I said.

"Okay" she said happily. Candice was finished with her dance and everyone was back to dancing freely. My friend Drake pulled me into a dance with him. I laughed and from the corner of my eye I seen Camaryn staring at us. Her look wasn't showing she was mad or okay. It was just a 'idk what is going on' look. I flirted while dancing just to see what I could get out of her. She then started looking pissy towards us so I toned it down. The party continued to go on but when it was over Candice was finished for the night.

"Thank you again Nicki " she said drunkingly. I laughed.

"Anything for you boo" I said. Her boyfriend then came over to get her into the car.

"Take care of her David" I said.

"Oh I will" he said. They were so cute to me. I looked around and Camaryn was throwing her drink away.

"Just the person I'm looking for" I said.

"Oh Thanks" she said.

"Ready?" I asked.

"I thought I should but you know It's late and Im pretty tired" she said.

"You can stay with me for the night if you want. "

"No I don't impose on people like that. How about you just send me your address and I'll be over in the morning" she suggested.

"Alright" I said. I gave her the directions to my house.

"Got it. And Thanks Nicki, it was a pleasure to meet you" she said.

"You too" I said. I then went out to my car.

Camaryn's pov:

I went out to my car and heard Nicki crank up hers then blast 'Bitch Better Have my money ' out loud. I laughed as she sped off and onto the streets.

Nicki is very attractive but I know she isn't a lesbian or even bisexual. She is a relationship with her boyfriend still. Me on the other hand I'm bisexual but more than likely into girls than boys because girls can be hotter than guys and better judgment on love. And I'm talking about the loyal good ones who are smart and know how to do they own shit.

Nicki is that but Im not about to go there with her. I'm just gonna do  good with this opportunity and move on.

Nicki Minaj: Lesbian Love ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now