Chapter 35

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Nicki's pov:

I was sitting in the hospital waiting for someone to come and tell me that Cam was okay. I was sitting there and all I could do was pray that she was just as healthy as she was before.

I was so pissed at Safaree and him even coming back into my life. I actually did try and stop it from happening.

**Last night**

"Safaree no" I say pushing him away from me. He had just walked me up to the room. After realizing we were kissing I just couldn't.

"Nicki why do you keep denying us?"

"Because I don't want it" I say bluntly. "Camaryn has my heart and you keep getting between what we have going for us"

"Y'all have nothing but lies built up on this relationship Nic. She isn't even being honest with you about anything. She got a nigga she been fucking with since y'all got back together" he says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"She is going out with some guy named Duncan who stays out in Atlanta" he says.

"Camaryn isn't seeing anyone else Safaree. You're just lying to make me mad" I say.

"Nicki I'm not. I can prove it. " he says pulling out his phone. He pulls up the guys instagram. "See he posted that a week ago" he says. It was a picture of him and Cam all hugged up kissing.

Caption: So happy I got to see my baby 😘💘

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I ask getting mad. I push his phone away from my face. All I could think is that Camaryn has been busy working as far as I know so how can she be cheating.

"Nicki open your eyes and see that Camaryn is just using you for personal reasons. She doesn't really love you"

"Oh and you do?"


"No you don't! You like having me. You like thinking you have me"

"Nicki I know I have you" he says grabbing me. He just made me lock eyes with him. "You still love me. Admit it"

"You know I will always love you" I say. "But I can't d-" he cut me off by kissing me with a lot of force. 

And that's how it just went left.

"Onika?" A doctor says.

"Yes" I answer.

"She's being moved to ICU if you want to see her"

"Okay thank you" I say grabbing my purse. I take the elevator to her room. She was just laying there.

"Cam" I say walking in.

"Nic" she says lowly. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm here for you"

"Don't be. You went and cheated on me with Safaree "

"It wasn't planned. I'll take the responsibility of it but at the same time he is the one who initiated it."

"I know that" she says. "I just didn't think you'd be so easy"

"Easy? Camaryn I am not easy" I say offfended. "And apparently someone else is cheating" I say looking straight at her.

"I know you aren't talking about me" she says.

"I am. Before I made the mistake I made in sleeping with Safaree he showed me a picture of you and some guy" I say.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Safaree is clearly trying hard to break us up" she says.

"Cam I know I made a mistake but I know I'm in love with you. Safaree is messing with my head" I say.

"I believe you but that isn't acceptable. And I can't keep letting it happen and take you back and have you thinking it's okay and I'm naive. Because I'm not" she says.

"I understand that and I promise you-"

"Camaryn" we hear a guys voice say. A guy then appears into the room. The same guy in the picture Safaree showed me. "Camaryn are you okay? What happened?" He asks then he sees me. "Oh shit it's Nicki Minaj" he says walking up closer.

"What are you doing here?" Cam asks. I thought she was talking to him but Safaree walks in.

"I thought your boyfriend should know what's going on with his girlfriend"

"Oh I see you got this set up pretty nicely" she says.

"What's going on here?" I ask.

"Camaryn I was on my way to see you in Paris when this guy calls me up saying you're in a hospital down here" he explains.

"Wait, pause" I say holding my hand up. "You were going to see her in Paris?" I ask. Cam had that look on her face when she knows she is guilty.

"Uh yeah" he answers.

"How long have you guys been dating?" I ask.

"Oh for like 7 months."

"Like I said, around the time y'all got back together" Safaree says.

"Safaree shut up" I say.

"Wait when who got back together?" The guys asks.

"Nicki I didn't-"

"And I'm the bad person right?! I'm the one who wants to know if this is real? I'm the one who needs to get rid of all my dirty laundry? " I say.

"Cam you-"

"Hush Duncan" she says. "Nicki I just wanted to be safe. I didn't want my heart broken again"

"So you find a safety net and tiptoe around loving me?" I ask. "You know what I'm not even mad." I say grabbing my purse.

"I hope things are better with you two, feel better Camaryn and thanks Safaree" I say. I just walk out the room and go home. Love is just challenging.

Nicki Minaj: Lesbian Love ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now