Chapter 1

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Todoroki sat beside Izuku in the cafeteria. They had notebooks covering the table and Todoroki was wearing his glasses. The two were studying for a test that Mr.Aizawa was going to have them take only a few days away.

"Do you understand this?" Izuku asked as he looked closely.

"Yeah..." Todoroki mumbled and began explaining the subject to Izuku. They spoke quietly so that no one could hear them A moment later the cafeteria doors were thrown open and the entire Bakusquad walked inside, following Bakugou like dogs. Bakugou made his way to Todoroki's table and signaled for his friends to walk away.

"Icey-Hot we need to talk," Bakugou commanded. Izuku and Todoroki made eye contact.

"I'm studying with Izuku though?" Todoroki said quietly. His voice was monotone and his face held no emotion.

"It's fine Sho! Go talk to him I'll continue studying," Izuku smiled and gently pushed Todoroki. 

Todoroki stood up and followed Bakugou outside of the cafeteria. They stopped in front of the doors and stood in silence until Todoroki broke it.

"So... Why am I out here?" He asked, leaning against the wall behind him.

"When are you free? Um, that's not what I meant... Would you like to go on a date with me?" Bakugou shook his head and mentally facepalmed before looking up at Todoroki who was still silent.

"You obviously can say no!" Bakugou assured. 

"I guess one date won't hurt... Just tell me when and where and I'll be there," Todoroki smiled before walking back inside of the cafeteria. He couldn't help the small smile that formed on his face. He walked back to his table and plopped himself back on the seat from before.

"What happened?" Izuku asked. It was a shock to see Todoroki smiling at something.

"He asked me on a date..." Todoroki answered and stared at his hands. 

"You said yea?" Izuku pressed on and watched as Todoroki nodded. He couldn't help the churning feeling in his stomach. The gut feeling told him to take  Todoroki away from Bakugou but why would he ruin his best friend's chance of dating someone he's looked up to since their first year.

"Alright! Congrats just... be careful not to get hurt," Izuku smiled and grabbed his friend's hand. Todoroki looked at him and returned the smile.

"I won't" He replied quietly.




Todoroki walked into the common room and saw only a few people sitting around. Most of them being the Bakusquad which in all honesty made Todoroki a little uncomfortable. He sat on the red couch and leaned back, covering his eyes with his hand and letting out a sigh.

"You okay bro you don't look so good-" Kirishima asked as he sat beside Todoroki.

"I'm fine just tired," Todoroki responded quietly. Kirishima hummed and leaned against the couch before a low 'pop' was heard and some gulping. Todoroki peeked out from under his hand and saw Kirishima drinking a Redbull. 

"Isn't it too early for that?" Todoroki asked. Kirishima shook his head and finished the drink.

"It's never too early for a Redbull," Kirishima smiled and crushed the can in his hands. Todoroki watched in confusion before leaning against the armrest of the couch and shaking his head.  

"Did he ask you out?" Kaminari asked as he rushed towards the common room. 

"What?" Todoroki said, confusion lacing his voice as he made eye contact with the energetic blonde. It was early in the morning on a Saturday why was he so energetic so early in the morning.

"Did Bakubro ask you on a date!?" He asked, ignoring the cold glare that Kirishima shot him that screamed 'shut up'

"Um, I don't see how that's any of your concern..."  Todoroki mumbled. Mina snickered from the other couch and watched in amusement.

"But it issss! I want to know if he grew a pair!" Kaminari whined. Suddenly the doors opened and Bakugou walked in. He was wearing a white tank top and blue shorts that went to his knees. Sweat was dripping down his body as he walked towards the bathrooms.

Todoroki followed his movements with his eyes before turning his attention back to Kaminari.

"So did he!?" Kaminari asked again. Todoroki didn't respond, he got up and walked away to the kitchen. He pulled the fridge door open and took out a plate of soba. He set it on the island table and began eating it cold.

"Cold soba!?" Sero asked as he walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Why does everyone keep asking me things! I was pretty much irrelevant a few moments ago!" Todoroki whined quietly as he looked up from his plate. In front of him was Izuku who was just staring at him.

"Jeez way to be creepy!" Todoroki stuffed the rest of his food into his mouth before putting the plate in the sink and leaving. All the attention was making his head spin. 

"Did I make a mistake by agreeing with this date?"

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