Chapter 7

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It had been a week since Todoroki and Bakugou had started dating and currently they were laying on Todoroki's bed while watching TV. The older had his arm wrapped around Todoroki's waist and Todoroki was leaning his head against Bakugou's chest.

They were watching the movie called 'divergent' since Todoroki had specifically said no horror movies. 

Bakugou nuzzled his head on Todoroki's neck and placed a gentle kiss. 

"Do you not want to watch the movie anymore?" Todoroki asked as he turned his head so that he could see Bakugou. Their eyes met and Todoroki could still feel the butterflies in his stomach. The heat that rushed to his cheeks whenever Bakugou did anything. 

"It's not that. You're just so cute that I don't want to not look at you," Bakugou said with a smirk that made Todoroki's stomach do jumping jacks. He could his side heating up and he instantly hopped off the bed and backed into a corner. Whenever he got too flustered his entire left side would light up in flames. 

"Are you okay?" Bakugou asked as he sat up. 

"Y-Yeah just trying not to light up like a candle..." Todoroki admitted and tried to calm his racing heart. Bakugou laughed quietly and watched as Todoroki walked over again and gently placed himself on the older's lap. 

Bakugou's hands instantly found their way to Todoroki's waist to hold him steady. Todoroki nuzzled his face into Bakugou's neck and sighed deeply.

"You okay there teddy bear?" Bakugou asked in a whisper. Todoroki hummed and raised his head, gently pecking Bakugou on the nose before nuzzling against the blonde's neck.

"I'm hungry..." Todoroki whined making Bakugou laugh lowly. He gently lifted Todoroki (Koala Style) and carried him out of the dorm. He carried him all the way to the kitchen area and placed him on the counter.

"Well, what would you like to eat, my prince?" Bakugou asked as he gently lifted Todorki's chin and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.


(Meanwhile Somewhere In The Dormitory)

Jirou walked through the empty hallways of the girl's side. She ran her hand along the walks and finally stopped in front of Uraraka's door. She knocked lightly and waited patiently for the door to be opened. Inside were Uraraka, Momo and Tsuyu who seemed to be sitting around the mini glass table in the middle of the room.

"Hey, Jirou is there something you need?" She asked politely. 

"Yeah I would like to talk with you," Jirou answered, mentally cursing herself for having to do this part. Uraraka opened the door wider and stepped aside, motioning for her to step inside.

"What's this about?" 

Jirou sat down on Uraraka's bed and looked directly at the brunette.

"I need you to do me a favor and I'm asking nicely. Please leave Todoroki and Bakugou alone, Their relationship is none of your concern," Jirou stated firmly making the slightly taller blush in embarrassment.

"I was only doing it for Momo, She had a crush on Todoroki..." Uraraka whispered. Jirou simply stood up and walked to Momo, kneeling in front of her and putting her index finger under Momo's chin.

"I'm sure you don't care anymore do you?" Jirou asked while forcing Momo to make eye contact.

"You don't have to be his... You can be all mines~" Jirou whispered the last part in Momo's ear making the raven blush profoundly. Jirou stood up and left the room without any question, making her way to Mina's room where the others -Bakugou were waiting,

She turned the knob and walked inside, sitting on Mina's bed with her legs crossed.

"I'm sure we won't be having any more complains for Ochako," Jirou said before going back to her original quiet self. He pulled a pair of headphones over her head and started a song back up.


Todoroki sat next to Izuku with a notebook and opened it. 

"Izuku are you alright?" Todoroki asked the overly quiet boy beside him. Izuku looked over at him, tears glossing his eyes and a look of hurt covering his entire face as he stared hard at Todoroki.

"Why are you here?" He asked almost angrily, making Todoroki flinch and get up suddenly.

"Am I not wanted here?" He responded, the question coming out more easily than he had wished. Izuku's eyes widened before he took a deep breath.

"You're not. Please leave," Izuku whispered. Todoroki stood there, tears in his eyes and betrayal written all over his features.

"W-What?" He whispered.

"I said LEAVE! Ever since you and Kacchan got together you've changed! You no longer hang out with me anymore! You treat me like I no longer exist! Just go! You're no longer a part of the dekusquad... Now please get out of my sight!" Izuku shouted. He swore he could hear his own heart shatter inside and he swore he heard Todoroki's whole being shatter. 

Todoroki let the tears drip down his cheeks as he tried to comprehend what was being said. His eyes blurred as he turned around quickly, his notebook tucked close to his chest and he took off walking in the opposite direction. He ignored Bakugou calling his name and felt his whole body start the shake. His sobs echoed the rooms and Todoroki found himself under the staircase. His knees were tucked to his chest and his arms were wrapped around his legs.

It reminded him of when he was a child. His defensive pose. His breathing became uneven and before he knew it everything went black. The last thing he remember was Bakugou rushing under the stairs, screaming his name.

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