Chapter 10

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"I'm not doing it," Kaminari said, he got up and instantly left the room. Bakugou's entire being filled with anger. He got up as well and left the room. It wasn't fair that Kaminari had straight-up declined the offer. If he had the choice he would've declined too. Guilt built inside him as he made his way back to the fourth floor where his dorm was. He pushed through his feelings and finally got to the door.

He opened it slowly, making sure he wasn't loud in case Todoroki was still sleeping. He walked inside and noticed that Todoroki was sitting up on the bed with the blanket pulled over him. 

"Hey," Todoroki smiled tiredly and opened his arms for Bakugou who walked over and sat beside him. He placed Todoroki on his lap and ran his fingers through Todoroki's hair.

"Did you rest well?" Bakugou asked, placing gentle kisses all over his boyfriend's face. 

"Yeah..." Todoroki admitted and smiled at the lovey action. Bakugou grabbed his hand and held it up to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on his knuckle. 

"How about we go on another date soon?" Bakugou suggested to which Todoroki immediately agreed. Bakugou hummed in response and wrapped his arms around Todoroki's waist, securing him in place.

"Wanna go to a cafe today? Doesn't have to be considered a date if you don't want it to," 

"I would love to go out with you today. Its a date," Todoroki whispered and placed a kiss on Bakugou's lips. He pulled away and stood up.

"I have to go get changed though!" Todoroki smiled before walking out of the room and towards the stairs. He made his way to the fifth floor and towards his dorm. He turned the knob and walked inside only to gasp at what he saw.

He fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed Bakugou's number. Panic rose in him and his stomach churned.

"Miss me already?" Bakugou joked from the other side of the phone.

"Come to my dorm! NOW and bring a teacher!" Todoroki panicked before hanging up. On the walls were pictures of him and Bakugou with an X on them and they were being held up by knives. His room had been trashed, all the Japanese designs ruined and his bed had been sliced open. There was a Todoroki plushie hung on the wall with its head disconnected. The window was shattered and a rock with something tied to it was sitting in the middle of the room. Only moments later Bakugou burst through the door with AllMight and Aizawa behind him. 

He looked around and stopped moving altogether. AllMight walked to the rock and lifted it. He looked at what was tied to and read what it said out loud.

"How dare you take what's mine. You'll pay, You'll pay big time" He read and dropped the rock. Todoroki felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him protectively. Aizawa looked at the pictures and sighed.

"Seems Bakugou has a fan," He stated plainly. AllMight looked around more before finding something under Todoroki's desk. He pulled it out and realized it was a hoodie, completely covered in blood.

"Who's hoodie is this?" He asked. Bakugou's eyes widened and he stepped forward.

"I lost that hoodie like... A month ago," He whispered.

"Todoroki you can no longer stay in this room. You can share a room with Bakugou until we know it's safe. I also advise you don't go out on your own anymore. Bakugou same with you," Aizawa spoke up and opened Todoroki's closet.

All of Todoroki's clothes were gone, burned into a pile of dust right inside the closet. 

On the walls in big red letters was the word 'WHORE' 

Todoroki felt a pang inside him. He couldn't look anymore. He walked out of the room and leaned against the wall. Bakugou followed after and hugged the younger, trying to comfort him in any way possible. Guilt built inside of him and his face fell. 

"This was all my fault... I'm sorry I put you in danger," Bakugou whispered. 

"It's not your fault... Let's just, leave it to the pros and we can go to the cafe... We need to pretend as nothing happened," Todoroki gently cupped Bakugou's face and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. They walked towards the staircase when Todoroki's phone started ringing. He felt the urge to ignore it and kept walking only for it to ring again. This time he grabbed it and looked at the big white 'Unknown' on it.

Hesitantly he answered it and placed the phone to his ear. Bakugou watched him and tried to listen to the conversation.

"Did you see the gift I left you in you're dorm?" The voice asked and Todoroki could tell it was a voice changer.

"W-Who are you?" Todoroki asked in fear as he sat on the steps and waited. A low laugh echoed from the phone making a shiver run up Todoroki's spin.

"My name should not matter. You can call me Unknown though, I want to make this clear, Shoto Todoroki, break up with Bakugou Katsuki or you'll regret it," The person growled before hanging up. The fear in Todoroki's eyes wasn't going to go unnoticeable. 

"Todoroki, Don't listen to them, You're alright..."

"I-I know..."

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