Chapter 12

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It had been two months since Todoroki's room had gotten trashed and they still had no idea who to accuse of it. The two lovebirds had grown closer than before and were finally okay with more simple relationship things. 

Todoroki hadn't opened up to Bakugou about his childhood yet but still he trusted Bakugou a lot. Izuku hadn't found anything about the dare and he had eventually given up by the end of the first month. He apologized to Todoroki about what he said soon after and they instantly became friends again.

Bakugou was still going along with the dare even though he had grown feelings for the bi-colored teen.

"Hey Sho are you alright?" Izuku asked as he sat next to Todoroki in the common room. 

"Yeah, I'm alright! I'm just excited that we're doing some training today!" Todoroki said as he smiled. Everyone noticed how he smiled so much more. He was more open with people and his sass had gone up too. 

"That's good! I feel like we haven't been in class in forever," Izuku admitted as he leaned against Todoroki's shoulder. The two stayed like that before Bakugou came marching in the room with his friends trailing behind him.

"CMON BRO! CHILL!" Kaminari shouted as Bakugou threw an explosion in his direction. Mina just shook her head silently and rolled her eyes.

"Boys," She muttered before walking off and into the kitchen. Todoroki pushed himself off the sofa and walked over to Bakugou. 

"Hey, babe? Are you okay?" Todoroki asked in a whisper as he wrapped his arms around Bakugou's waist and hugged him from behind. A blush crept onto Bakugou's face as he gently ran his finger over Todoroki's hand.

"I'm fine love, What were you doing before I came down?" Bakugou whispered back and smiled when he felt Todoroki's nose nuzzle into his shoulder.

"Just talking with Izu, We're excited about training," Todoroki answered. 

"I'm glad you're excited," 

The group watched their interaction with a smirk. Kirishima felt his chest pang with regret as he looked at the floor. His mind raced with the question 'how can they be so heartless to Todoroki'


Toga took her steps in small little jumps as she walked toward a store. Her hair was covered by an overly large black and green hoodie and her eyes were covered by dark blue eye contacts that she just happened to see while walking home the other day. 

She pushed open the glass doors and walked inside, her eyes landing on every single thing in the store that she wanted. She moved towards the knife section and looked at all the knives in the aisle to see which she wanted to add to her collection.

She grabbed a few and made her way towards the food section. She grabbed some snacks and a drink before walking to the cashier and placing the objects on the counter. She did one last scan around.

"Give me a moment!" She giggled as she rushed to the alcohol section. She grabbed two bottles that were filled with a pink liquid. 

"I need to see an ID," The cashier said plainly while scanning off the objects. Toga pulled her wallet out and fished for the fake ID Shigaraki had gotten for her. She showed him and he eyed her before nodding and scanning off the drinks.

"BABE HURRY UP!" A voice shouted while the bell to the doors rang. Toga looked over and watched as a couple walked in the store. Her blood boiled. Her entire body felt heated.

"Stop rushing me Shoto!" Bakugou shouted as he was pulled by Todoroki towards the snack section.

"What a fun sight... Guess he didn't learn his lesson the first time,"

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