Chapter 13

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Bakugou sat in the room with Kaminari and Mina as they talked quietly about the dare.

"How's the dare going?" Kaminari asked as he leaned forward. Bakugou's insides clenched as he avoided eye contact. He didn't want to continue. He didn't want to do the dare anymore.

"It's good," Bakugou answered and looked at the floor of his room. Kaminari watched his expression before breaking into a wide grin. His eyes filled with amusement as he watched Bakugou become more anxious.

"Don't tell me you're actually falling for him!" Kaminari laughed.

"What? Hell no... It's just a game after all and he has no clue," Bakugou responded quickly. He was trying to save himself. Mina giggled and looked behind the two. Her eyes locked with someones through the glass of the door and her smile fell.

"We have a problem!" Mina shouted as the green eyes vanished. 

"What happened!?" Bakugou asked as he stood up quickly. Kaminari followed as well and looked around.

"I think someone might have heard us!" Mina answered as she rushed to open the door and look down the hallway. There was a small footprint on the wall showing someone used it as a way to move faster. Bakugou cursed repeatedly while rushing down the hallway. He couldn't find anyone so he instead rushed upstairs to Todoroki's room.


Izuku clutched his phone close to his chest as he ran downstairs towards the common room where Todoroki would usually be. He threw open the doors and ran towards his best friend. His entire being was aching and he doubted if he should show Izuku the recording.

"Izu are you okay!?" Todoroki asked as he got up from the couch and walked over to him. Izuku held the phone out towards Todoroki and avoided eye contact. Todoroki stood confused before grabbing the phone and seeing the recording. He observed the cover. It was a blurry image of Bakugou, Mina, and Kaminari in Bakugou's room.

The time read-only seconds ago and Todoroki felt his gut telling him to open the video and watch. 

He pressed the unpause button and looked at Izuku as he listened to the audio.

"How's the dare going?" He listened closely and automatically knew that was Kaminari's voice. Izuku had fear on his face as the audio went on. 

"It's good," Bakugou said just loud enough for the audio to pick up on it. There was silence for a few seconds and Todoroki felt his chest aching.

"Don't tell me you're actually falling for him!" Kaminari laughed. Todoroki felt his world crash down as he waited for Bakugou's response that came only a few seconds after.

"What? Hell no... It's just a game after all and he has no clue,"

Todoroki's heart shattered in his chest as the phone fell from his hands. His eyes glossed over with tears as he looked at Izuku with such pain and fear.

"T-Thanks for showing me," He whispered, not even trying to hide the straight pain in his voice. He slowly turned around and walked towards the staircase. He made his way upstairs towards his room and opened the door to find the room empty. The memories of everything flooded into his head as he walked towards the balcony and gripped the roof. He pulled himself up to the balcony above his before pulling himself to the roof.

He sat on the roof and stared off into nothing. Tears leaked down his cheeks as he tried to comprehend everything. Everything that had happened was just for some dare?? His mind raced with regret as he remember everything Uraraka told him. He remembered Izuku warning him. His life was in danger for no reason. 

Everything was a lie. The kisses they shared. The dates. Everything was fake to Bakugou.

He listened closely and heard the door to his dorm being opened.

"TODOROKI? Are you in here!?" He heard Bakugou shout and chose to ignore him. He watched as Bakugou's blonde hair showed up outside. He looked down and met eyes with the crimson red ones. 

Bakugou pulled himself up to the building and stood a few feet away from Todoroki. He could see the tears falling down Todoroki's face. He knew. He knew that Bakugou was only doing a dare. He knew that everything was a lie.

"Todoroki are you alright?" Bakugou asked as he walked closer to his boyfriend.

"I'm fine!" Todoroki answered as he stood up. 

"Why are you acting like this?" 

"Stop pretending to care! It's just a game remember!" Todoroki shouted as threw his arms up in defeat. He watched Bakugou's face turn into guilt and realization.

"That's right Bakugou! I know the truth now... I know everything!" 

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