Chapter 14

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Todoroki gripped the side of his jacket as he rushed past people. He made his way out of the dormitory and ran towards the street. His phone rang loudly in his pocket making him pick it up and hold it to his ear.

"You really shouldn't have kept fucking with me," The voice said making Todoroki growl in frustration. This was the last thing he needed at the moment.

"Have him for all I fucking care just LEAVE ME ALONE!" Todoroki screamed into the phone before throwing it across the street and listening to it shatter. Anger bubbled inside him as he made his way towards the cafe.

Tears slid down his cheeks. He walked inside the cafe and sat at one of the booths. He laid his head down and began sobbing quietly. His body shook violently. He couldn't believe his life just got more fucked up than usual.

"Hey... sir are you alright?" Someone asked and Todoroki felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine," Todoroki answered and looked up. There was an unfamiliar boy there with light brown curly hair and dark green eyes that almost looked black.

"You're that student from UA!? Wow it's a pleasure meeting you!" He smiled at Todoroki making the other scoff quietly and stare out the window of the cafe. He didn't need a fanboy to bother him right now. 

Suddenly the bells rang to the cafe and someone ran inside.

"Shoto! We were all worried sick!" The voice of Izuku called as another hand was placed on Todoroki's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for worrying you guys. You can take me back then..." Todoroki responded quietly and stood up. He walked past the two boys and out of the cafe, the sound of footsteps telling him that Izuku was following. That's when he felt a hand grip his wrist and pull him into an alley.

He locked eyes with the familiar green ones. "What are you doing?" He asked as he was shoved against the wall.

"I told you, you shouldn't have fucked with me!" It took Todoroki a moment to realize that the person in front of him wasn't Izuku. He tried to use his quirk only to realize he couldn't The skin on 'Izuku's' face began falling apart and the blonde space buns were suddenly noticeable. 

Todoroki tried to use his quirk again and failed. 

"You can't use your quirk. When I touch your shoulder I put something inside you! I quirk stopper as we call it. You're utterly useless! But Shoto Todoroki I do have someone who's been dying to see his poor little brother! You're coming with me bitch!"  Toga laughed as her face continued to peel into the correct shape.

"I don't even care anymore," Todoroki whispered as he felt defeat cover his entire body. First abuse as a child, no friends as a teen, heartbreak just recently, and now this.

"I could fucking care less, my life is already bullshit! Everything is Goddamn bullshit!" Todoroki shouted as tears dripped down his face. Toga gripped Todoroki's wrist and slapped some thick black cuffs on them. He could feel something piercing his skin but the pain was tolerable. 

"Kurogiri! The portal!"


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