Chapter 20

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"We attack tonight. Full-blown hard-scale attack! We get in and get out, we don't fight unless we have to and we will most likely have to. You're going to be assigned a villain if fighting continue towards that villain," AllMight explained.

He smiled sadly, "I cannot join you guys this time, I'll be on the rescue squad with Recovery Girl. Let's get Shoto back and let us all go Plus Ultra"


Izuku pushed himself inside the small car and listened closely as the heroes in the front spoke quietly. He was stuck in a car with Kirishima, Hawks, Endeavor, and Jirou. The car was put into motion and they began moving towards the address that was given to them.

"Don't stress," Kirishima whispered. Izuku smiled towards him. 

"I'm not, I just hope we can get him out there," Izuku admitted. Kirishima looked at him with an enthusiastic smile and ruffled Izuku's hair.

"It's not if we can... It's when we do! We don't know what he's been through but going through that after a heartbreak could literally cause him to go insane. Let's just hope he and Bakugou could fix their shit because if they don't I'm going to fucking lose mines," Kirishima joked making Izuku laugh lightly.

"We're almost there kiddos! Get your game on now!" Hawk's said from the front of the car. Izuku pulled his mask above his face and lifted the hood. He had upgraded his hero suit and changed a few things. On the hood, the allmight hair was gone, and instead, there were bunny ears. The color wasn't all green instead switching between blue and lime green.

"Are you guys ready?" Kirishima asked as the car stopped. Hawks got out of the car first and walked slowly. They parked a few houses away from the abandoned bar that the LOV had decided to infiltrate. 

"Born ready," He whispered and watched hawks knock on the door. The door was thrown open and an irritated-looking Dabi walked outside, pulling the bird boy in and slamming the door shut.

Izuku listened closely to the conversation.

"What are you doing here Keigo?" Dabi asked and you could hear a slamming sound. A door shutting.

"Well I need false information to give the heroes but I can't do that without knowing anything! So tell me Hawks what has your little League been up to?" Hawks made up the excuse quickly and Izuku mentally high-fived him.

"We have a person that we're holding in the basement. My brother... Shoto Todoroki,"


Todoroki lifted his head as he heard the muffled voices of Hawks and Dabi. The door was opened and in walked the pro hero and villain. Todoroki's eyes widened and he watched them both walk forward.

"Wow he's a mess," Hawks laughed lightly and Dabi only nodded.

"He tried arguing with me last night... I gave him some new burns to worry about," Dabi laughed. Hawks looked directly in Todoroki's eyes and gave him a reassuring smile.

"We got you," he mouthed to him before turning around towards Dabi.

"Hawks? Why are you with a villain!? Are you a traitor!?" Todoroki asked, trying to sound desperate and not give them up.

"You shouldn't talk to him! He's not here for you bitch," Dabi growled, lighting Todoroki's right thigh on fire. The younger's mouth opened as an inaudible scream left him.

"That's right, feel the fucking pain!" Dabi smirked and lit his thigh up again. Todoroki sobbed lightly and Hawks just watched. 

"Now," Hawks whispered into the microphone that was connected to his glasses. He took Dabi's wrist and threw the quirk stopper cuffs on him, before throwing him on the floor and looking for the key.

There was a loud explosion upstairs and heavy footsteps made their way inside the bar. Todoroki watched the entrance when suddenly, Izuku and Kirishima bust through the door. Relief flooded inside of all of them.

"Hey, Get the keys from him!" Izuku commanded and watched Hawks reach into Dabi's pocket. He threw the keys at Izuku who caught it. He rushed towards Todoroki and smiled at him.

"Glad to see you're alive," Izuku whispered as he undid the cuffs. Todoroki wiggled his wrist and activated his quirk. Fire sprouted from the left side of his body and ice froze the floor next to his right.

"How does it feel being the bitch now," Todoroki growled at Dabi who was just watching him. His quirk died down again and Todoroki felt the urge to jump on Dabi. He walked over to him and kicked him right in the gut.

"That's for burning me!" He growled again and shoved his foot into Dabi's gut.

"That's for comparing me to that old man!" 

Todoroki gripped Dabi's face and glared at him. He took a moment to observe his eyes. The teal eyes that Todoroki looked into so much. "This is for taunting me," Todoroki whispered before pulling back and spitting on him.

 He felt pride swell inside him as he looked at what his brother became.

"I can't believe I looked up into a pussy like you," Todoroki shook his head in shame and limped towards Izuku. He had done all that with burns covering his body but still, he was running adrenaline. Izuku wrapped Todoroki's arm around his shoulder and Kirishima followed after. 

They helped get Todoroki out of the bar and towards the ambulance where AllMight stood waiting. 

"Glad to see you're alive young Todoroki!"

Suddenly a loud voice from inside the ambulance caught Todoroki's attention.

"He better be alive or I'm blasting every single one of you pathetic waste of space to hell!"

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