Chapter 9

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I just realized I never dedicated this book to someone even though they requested it. This book is dedicated to NicoleLewisMullenax who suggested the idea to me  

Izuku had made it his mission to figure out exactly the bakusquad was hiding. He was hiding by Mina's room and listening in to their conversation but there was nothing on the prank. 

"Have you been watching them closely?" Kaminari's voice finally came. Izuku perked up and tried to listen closer.

"Yeah, but we shouldn't talk about them... That Izuku has been on to us, We can't let him find out," Mina said and Izuku barely caught it. His eyes widened and he tried to listen more. He held his gloved hands against the wall and his breathing was quiet. His entire being was aching to know about whatever they were talking about. 

"Well then we shouldn't say that Ochako has a huge crush on him," Kaminari said loudly. Izuku couldn't hold it back, He let out a loud gasp. The conversation stopped and footsteps made the way to the door. It was thrown open and Mina walked out.

"What are you doing here?"


Todoroki had convinced Bakugou to carry him away towards the school building. With many protests and mini explosions, Bakugou gave in and carried Todoroki the whole way. He opened the doors to the building and carried Todoroki to the nursery. 

He knocked on the door and opened it. Recovery Girl was sitting there on her computer. She looked over and stood up.

"Is he alright?" She asked as she motioned for a bed.

"Sick," Bakugou answered and laid Todoroki on the bed. He was conscious and was staring at the wall. Recovery Girl felt his forehead and sighed.

"Has he tried using his ice? He could try to cool himself off, But I can just make him feel all better..." Recovery Girl said before leaning over and pressing her chapped lips against Todoroki's forehead. Todoroki gave a face of grimace before feeling the heat start to subside. 

"He should be fine now," She said before getting up and leaving them. Bakugou sat on the bed beside Todoroki and his fingers through the red and white hair. He leaned down and pecked Todoroki's lips.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked in a hushed whisper. Todoroki nodded and laid back getting tired. Recovery Girl's quirk had to do with healing. She'd kiss you on the injured part and it'll heal but before doing so it forces the energy from your body on that spot. 

Bakugou lifted Todoroki like a koala and carried him back to the dormitory. Once he entered they were smacked with a bunch of chaos. Izuku was running from a Mina that was chasing him with a shoe. Kirishima and Kaminari were screaming like maniacs while playing the game. Ochako had made Mineta fly into a wall which is where he was stuck and Tokoyami was sitting in the corner with Jirou. They shared a pair of headphones and were bobbing their head to the beat.

"Aww look its the lovebirds!" Kaminari joked making Bakugou flip him off. He carried Todoroki to his room and placed him on his own bed.

Bakugou ran his fingers through Todoroki's hair again and watched the boy drift off to a small sleep. He stood there running his fingers through Todoroki's hair and just thinking. He didn't want to continue the dare. He was going to end up hurting the boy that he was starting to care for. He didn't want to hurt Todoroki. He didn't want to end things with him. He felt the need to protect him and sometimes he felt like going to Kaminari and slapping the poor boy in the face.

The dare was cruel and Bakugou knew what he was going to do. He grabbed his phone and texted his friend's group chat to meet up in Mina's room. He kissed Todoroki's forehead before heading towards Mina's room. Once they were all there Bakugou sat on the bed.

"Let's play a quick game of truth or dare," Bakugou suggested. Everyone felt uneasiness rattle them but agreed. Bakugou took the bottle and aimed. He watched it land on Kaminari and instantly a smirk crept onto his face.

"Truth or dare?" He asked knowing that Kaminari never picks truth.

"Dare...." Kaminari whispered. 

"I dare you to date Hitoshi Shinsou and then break his heart," Bakugou said, venom spilling his voice and making everyone's eyes widen. They knew how much Kaminari liked the boy and he instantly declined.

"A dare is a dare, Kami. Welcome to the club,"

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