Chapter 15

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Bakugou blasted through the common room, searching and searching. He tore the place inside out with the help of Izuku and his friends. 

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" Bakugou shouted as his eyes glossed over with tears.

"MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T FUCKING BREAK HIS HEART HE WOULD STILL BE HERE KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Izuku shouted back and glared at the blonde. Tears were leaking down his freckled cheek making Bakugou stop moving. 

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" Bakugou suddenly screamed, eyes filled with tears as he gripped his t-shirt. Izuku stared at him in shock as he watched Bakugou break down for the third time in his entire life. 

Kaminari ran out to the common room and held up his phone.

"GUYS! SOMEONE CALLED IN THEY SAW TODOROKI GET TAKEN BY TOGA!" He shouted and held his phone up. Out of anger, Bakugou walked over and punched him. Tears rolled down the blonde's cheeks as he punched Kaminari again before taking the phone and holding it up.

"I deserved that," Kaminari whispered as he pushed himself off the floor. Bakugou took the phone with him as he started running out of the dormitory. The person claimed to see them at the cafe that he had brought Todoroki. He used his explosions to speed his run. 

He slammed through the doors and rushed to the corner where the brunette sat.

"Where did you see him!?" Bakugou questioned, wiping the tears off his face and sitting across from the boy.

"Well, when he came in here there was the hero in training Deku. Or we thought! I followed them out and watched the skin peel from the boy's face. The hero turned into the villain Toga, they talked and before I knew it Todoroki was being dragged into a purple portal! That's all I know," The boy explained. Bakugou nodded and stood up. He walked out of the cafe and was met with his group of classmates.

"What did the boy say?" Izuku asked as they followed Bakugou into an alley.

"He was taken by Toga who pretended to be you, GOD THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" He sobbed and punched the brick wall. Blood dripped from his knuckles as he continued to punch the wall. 

"STOP! STOP!" Izuku screamed, grabbing Bakugou's fist and pulling him towards himself. 

"It's not your fault! Its fucking Kaminari's fault for giving him the goddamn dare! It's my fault for letting him run off by himself! If anything we all had a fucking part to play in this Kacchan so don't fucking put the blame on yourself!" Izuku shouted as he hugged Bakugou.

On a normal day, Bakugou would've shoved the greenette away and cursed him out but today was different. Bakugou was breaking inside and a hug was one way to help. He clung to Izuku's shirt and sobbed roughly.

"I sure hope he's okay," Kirishima mumbled from behind them.

"As do I,"


Todoroki woke up and noticed he wasn't in his shared dorm. His eyes felt heavy and his entire body felt weak. He looked around and sucked in a deep breath. The memories of earlier washed over him like a wave on the beach.

His already puffy eyes watered as he fought against the restraints. 

"SOMEONE! HELP!" He screamed, praying that someone could hear him. His voice echoed through the basement. He kicked against the chair he was sitting on and pulled against the quirk stopping handcuffs. 

"Little brother... What an unpleasant sight! You're full of fear and pain," A familiar voice echoed from the corner making Todoroki look over. Little sobs left him as he tugged harder against the restraints.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" He screamed as Dabi revealed himself.

"You might know me as Touya Todoroki," Dabi smirked and bent down, gripping Todoroki's chin and looking at the burn on his left eye.

"Damn did that old man do this?" He asked and gently placed his finger over the burn mark. Todoroki flinched back and tugged at the chains holding him up.

"YOU'RE LYING! TOUYA IS DEAD! TOUYA LEFT!... YOU left me..." Todoroki bowed his head in defeat. He let the tears fall rapidly. Everything was going wrong. Everything was going downhill.

"Yea I did leave! I'm better now!" Dabi laughed and walked a small distance from Todoroki.

"You became a disgrace! This whole world is a goddamn disgrace! This family is a disgrace!" Todoroki sobbed as he tried to fight the truth. He didn't want to believe it.

"I believed in you... I looked up to you!" He shouted before sobbing loudly.

"I know. I know you did. I left for MY protection! Now you're here because that kid broke your heart! Wow, Shoto... Welcome to the real world! Nothing is as great as it seems! That boy wasn't in love! He was using you! He played you! Broke your heart in the process! It's his fault that you're here!" Dabi taunted.

Todoroki felt his soul crumble at the words that were leaving his brother's mouth. 

"Why are you doing this? What did I do...?" Todoroki whispered, tears falling onto his pants.

"If I can't get to Enji then I go for his most prized possession! You,"

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