Chapter 26

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IDK if this chapter is gonna be something good. Shit's been going down in my life and I'm not sure how long until I need a break from everything. I just wanted to post this chapter so I can make the bookend soon! Hopefully, I finish the book before I make the decision to take a break. 

Another thing is that I might be switching schools! I use Wattpad on my school computer so idk if my new school will have Wattpad unblocked or not so I might never come back


Todoroki switched his clothes into the dark blue swimming trunks that Bakugou had bought him. Though he had gone through the healing process successfully his body still showed proof of the old scars that lay on his skin.

The marks were still visible, a darker color than his original skin color. He looked in the mirror inside of the changing stall and sighed deeply.

He slipped his shirt back on and gathered his clothes. Bakugou walked out of the stall next to his. His swimming trunks were orange and hugged his waist tightly. 


They walked to the empty beach and were instantly met with the smell of saltwater. Todoroki hesitated before slipping his shirt off and covering his body. "Don't cover yourself up," Bakugou said as he walked to Todoroki and wrapped his arms around the bicolored boy's waist.

"But the... scars," Todoroki whispered. Insecurity flooded his entire body as Bakugou kissed his bare shoulder.

"Your scars show that you went through something and survived! You are a survivor Shoto, don't cover your body because I love everything about it, and every little scar that it comes with," Bakugou whispered making Todoroki's stomach flutter. 

He slowly uncovered his body and gulped silently when Bakugou didn't respond. 

"I-I can put the shirt bac-" Todoroki started but was instantly cut off by Bakugou gripping his face and smiling at him. "Beautiful, sexy, amazing, That's you," He whispered and stared into Todoroki's eyes. 

They stared before unconsciously leaning forward. Todoroki felt his entire body swirling with desire before their lips connected and his eyes closed.

It was a short kiss but held a deep meaning to them.

Todoroki's face turned a light red before he turned to the beach and instantly threw his stuff on the ground. "Beat you there loser!" He shouted before taking off in the direction of the water. Bakugou took a moment to process it before he was chasing Todoroki.

They laughed as Todoroki splashed face-first into the water. 

"I WIN!" He shouted as he reappeared on the surface. Bakugou laughed and splashed Todoroki with some water making them both laugh like children. 

Todoroki stared off into the sky before he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind. He leaned his head on Bakugou's chest and sighed. 

"I love the beach," He admitted just above a whisper. Bakugou hummed and nuzzled his nose into Todoroki's hair. 

"Does this mean we're dating again?" Bakugou asked. Todoroki smiled before turning to look at the blonde. "Are you not playing this time?" He responded. 

"I'm not. I don't want to ever see you in pain again," Bakugou whispered as he removed his arms from Todoroki's waist and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Me either Katsuki, I don't wanna see you in pain ever again so... if you try to commit suicide again at least invite me to do it with you!" Todoroki joked making them both laugh. "Yeah Yeah sure..." Bakugou smiled. 

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