Chapter 2

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AN: If you read this chapter a little while ago just know I fucked up and put chapter 3 instead of 2 but I fixed it and yuuh

"Fucking Icey-Hot, Saturday at 5 is our date, don't be late!" Bakugou said loudly before walking away from the boy who was just trying to eat soba in peace. He didn't even know where they were going. 

"A date? Did I hear that correctly?" Uraraka asked as she sat beside Todoroki. 

"Yeah, He asked me out a few days ago," Todoroki answered quietly as he ate his soba. Uraraka hummed and looked over towards Momo. Sadness filled her insides as she shook her head to Momo. 

"Why do you like Soba cold? You and Bakugou are complete opposites, he's high tempered, always angry, likes spicy things, and always loud, while you're quiet, closed off, like cold things, and you barely ever get angry," Uraraka said as she leaned against the table. Todoroki looked at her and sighed.

"Just because we're different doesn't mean that it'll be bad. You and Iida are different yet you're friends. You're energetic, kinda dumb, and annoying while Iida is smart, hardworking, annoying but in a good way and not as energetic," Todoroki snapped back before dumping his bowl in the trash and walking away from Uraraka.

"Did I say something wrong!? Just accept it'll never work! You should go for someone just like you! Like Momo!" Uraraka shouted as she chased after Todoroki. The male halted in his steps and turned to the shorter.

"Are you stupid?" He seethed. Uraraka flinched and she looked towards Momo who was waving at her to stop.

"I won't EVER date Momo, the reason is I don't like females. Momo is really sweet and pretty but she's not a male," Todoroki said as he tried to calm himself. He walked away from Uraraka and outside the dormitory. He didn't plan on going to class after that and since it was early in the morning he just decided to take a nice calming walk. 

He stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket and stared at the floor while he walked. 

"What are you doing out here?" A voice frightened him. He looked up and locked eyes with the ruby red eyes.

"Just taking a walk," Todoroki admitted as Bakugou began walking next to him. The blonde looked at the floor before thinking it was time to officially start the dare. He smirked to himself before looking at Todoroki and smiling kindly at him.

"Did something happen?" He asked. Todoroki looked at him before shaking his head.

"Are you still okay with the date? I don't want to make it seem like I'm forcing you to go on a date with me. You have a choice and It's fine if you don't want to go," Bakugou said.

"I said yes for a reason y'know. It won't hurt to at least try and get along with you right? Even though you can be a bitch sometimes," Todoroki admitted.


"I believe if I remember correctly I said you can be a bitch. Also, I don't fuck mothers so- that title doesn't fit me correctly, how about the beautiful peppermint candy cane," Todoroki sighed. Bakugou snarled before laughing. Todoroki looked over at him as if he were insane just to watch him continue laughing.

"You're funny, Did you know that?" 

Todoroki shook his head and continued walking. He completely forgot about the incident that happened in the common room. They continued to walk not even knowing where they were going but their feet led them in a direction. Suddenly only nature surrounded them and the sounds of water splashing echoed through the empty trees.

"Oh, I know this place!" Todoroki shouted as he began dodging trees and rushing towards the water. Once he hit the shore he looked around and noticed nobody there.

"Wait what is this place?" Bakugou asked as he finally caught up with the younger.

"My mom used to take me here when I was little to get away from the house, We would pull a blanket right over there and sit and watch the waves. I started coming by myself once my mom was put away in the hospital. I would sneak out of my house at night and come here to stargaze... But then I stopped. The memories of my mom became too much and I didn't want to come anymore," Todoroki explained as sat on the edge of the lake. He slipped his shoes off and his socks before dipping his feet in the cold water.

"Why was your mom put away in a hospital?" Bakugou asked as he sat beside Todoroki.

"I can't tell you, It's personal and takes a big toll on me," Todoroki whispered. The sounds of birds chirping and water splashing made his entire body relax. He had never brought anyone to the lake beside his mother and he wanted to keep it that way.

"About our date... Where is it going to take place?" Todoroki looked at Bakugou and watched as his face turned into panic.

"Well you see, I don't really know you! So I haven't decided what we're doing!" Bakugou admitted. Todoroki stared at the water and thought.

"I like about anything, As long as it's not too packed and as long as I won't run into my father I should be good," Todoroki said quietly as he stood up. 

"I think I have an idea, dress casual for the date,"

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