Chapter 4

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Today was the day of the date and Todoroki was nervous. Izuku stood inside his closet as he threw clothes on the floor and all over the room, making it messier by the minute. He knew exactly where Todoroki was going but for some reason, finding an outfit for him was the hardest.

"I found it!" Izuku shouted as he took out a pair of clothing. He threw it to Todoroki and watched as the older eyed the clothes he didn't even know he had. It was a short-sleeved oversized blue shirt and black baggy pants.

"Still not telling me where I'm going?" Todoroki asked and watched Izuku shake his head with a smile. With a sigh, Todoroki began putting the clothes on tucking the shirt into his pants, and looking in the mirror. 

"Does it look right? I don't know how to feel about it," Todoroki whispered. Izuku sighed and gently slapped him beside the head.

"You look fine! Now let's get you some accessories and you should be okay!" Izuku pushed Todoroki to sit on the bed before walking to his dresser and grabbing a few items. He walked back and took Todoroki's left hand. He placed a ring on Todoroki's ring finger, another on his middle and two more one on his index finger and one on his pinky. Izuku dropped Todoroki's hand before putting a necklace on him and lifting it to see the gems.

Once he was satisfied with that he put the last thing on and pushed the wristband past Todoroki's wrist

"Okay, you're all ready! Go get 'em, Tiger~" Izuku smirked and pushed Todoroki out of the door and looked around the room before beginning to clean up his mess.


Todoroki waited outside the dormitory with his phone in his hand. Bakugou walked over to him with a pair of keys in his hand.

"Hop in," Bakugou said as he opened the door to the passenger side of the red honda and walked to the other side. Todoroki sat inside before closing the door behind him. 

"Where are we going?" Todoroki asked as he put the seatbelt on. Bakugou stayed silent before starting the car and driving off. 

"It's a surprise..." Bakugou mumbled quietly. Todoroki nodded and leaned his head against the window of the car. He watched the trees fly by as they drove. When they stopped it was in front of an unpopular cafe.

"Hope you like cafes," Bakugou said before opening his door. He stepped out of the car and waited for Todoroki to do the same. Todoroki followed Bakugou inside the cafe and waited in line with him. While waiting, Todoroki stared at the menu and didn't know what to get. 

"What are you getting?" Bakugou asked. Todoroki looked at the cashier then back at the menu.

"A Hot white chocolate mocha... and a double chocolate chunk muffin," Todoroki ordered. The woman at the cash register nodded and put the order in before turning to Bakugou.

"I'll take a black coffee, one sugar no creamer and I would also like a small piece of the strawberry shortcake extra strawberries on the side and some chocolate dipping pudding," Bakugou ordered, and even though Todoroki insisted Bakugou ended up paying.

They walked to a booth in the corner of the cafe and sat down.

"Don't get too stuffed, there's a whole day of things planned," Bakugou said before taking a sip of his coffee. 

"Now can you tell me what we're doing?" Todoroki asked after taking a sip from his drink.

"Fine, fine... After this, I was thinking of an arcade. They're old but they have some fun games and the winner can buy the other a prize. After that, there's a spot on the beach I had set up for us with some picnic supplies, including cold soba. Then we'll take a walk around the beach, probably get ice cream, watch the sunset and then stargaze" Bakugou explained as if he had everything planned out from the very start.

"That all sounds so much fun!" Todoroki admitted.


The boys walked out of the cafe together, laughing about some joke Bakugou made. They walked to the car and got inside before driving off towards the arcade. Todoroki grabbed the aux cord but his hand was immediately slapped away.

"No one touches my aux cord except me," Bakugou glared at him playfully making Todoroki giggle quietly and let Bakugou play some music. The ride to the arcade was full of conversation and laughter. 

"Alright, we're here!"

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