Chapter 22

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"How's he doing?" Izuku asked, rushing into Recovery Girls office to see Todoroki sleeping peacefully on one of the beds. He sighed in relief and sat on the bed beside him.

"He's going to have nightmares," She stated and stared at Todoroki. "That poor boy went through hell," Izuku nodded in agreement and looked over to the bed beside Todoroki's. Bakugou was also resting at the moment.

"Don't worry about them Izuku, they'll both be fine," She assured and gently ruffed the green tuff of hair on Izuku's head.

"I know, I know... I just feel horrible for them! Neither of them deserved this," Izuku admitted quietly. Recovery Girl smiled and looked at the two boys.

"The only reason either of them is alive right now is that the love they both hold for each other is stronger than most people, Todoroki could've died from the burns, the intense pain, or just the overwhelming fact that he was kidnapped right after things went down. Bakugou could've fully killed himself. If he truly wanted to die, my quirk wouldn't have been able to save him," She smiled to herself send locked eyes with the emerald green ones.

"You love this, don't you? Teenage romance?" Izuku asked in a teasing tone. 

"Yep! Who doesn't love a little young love," She smirked before turning around and walking to her seat. "They should be up in a few moments. Bakugou's probably fully healed by now and Todoroki will just take a day or two," She continued before sitting down and logging into her computer.

"At least it's not me this time," He joked.

"I wouldn't have healed you."


Todoroki blinked his eyes slowly as he woke up. The sounds around him caused his entire body to ache. He slowly pushed himself into a sitting position before looking around.

"Oh yeah... I'm not with the League anymore," He whispered and threw his legs off the side of the bed. He looked around again and noticed three people standing in the room. Izuku, Bakugou, and Recovery Girl.

"You're awake!" Bakugou announced as he walked over and gently gripped Todoroki's chin. The younger flinched back slightly and squeezed his eyes shut. Images of Dabi and Shigaraki flashed through his mind as fear bubbled inside of his stomach.

"Don't touch him!" Izuku scolded. Todoroki slowly opened one eye and was met with crimson red ones. 

"Oh... Bakugou," Todoroki whispered. The feeling of Bakugou's hand on his chin vanished and he instantly calmed down.

"Sorry," Bakugou mumbled only loud enough for Todoroki to hear.

"It's fine! I'm starving," He announced and Izuku nodded. He grabbed a tray and placed it on the small desk in front of the bed Todoroki was sitting on. "Bakugou insisted on making you some food! He made hot chocolate and pancakes!" Izuku smiled at Todoroki and watched as he picked up the fork and stuffed some of the pancakes in his mouth.

His stomach growled in satisfaction. The chocolate chips inside the pancakes melted against his tongue leaving a lasting taste of goodness (AN: The flavors are melting on my tongue Hnghhh! Okay I'll leave) Izuku watched in pity as Todoroki scarfed the food down and drank the hot chocolate.

"I haven't eaten like that since... before I found out," Todoroki's voice trailed off.

"Well! Since you're still in recovery I'm going to take these days to plan our next date and trust me when I say it'll be absolutely perfect! Better than our first one!" Bakugou said proudly. Todoroki locked eyes with him once again and smiled.

"It better be,"

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