Happy Birthday Shoto Todoroki

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Happy Birthday to Shoto! This special is not at all connected to the original story it's just them celebrating Shoto's birthday! In this Mineta isn't a part of 1A and Shinsou is but no one is really mentioned


January 11th. Shoto had grown to hate that day. The day that everyone came together and celebrated his birth as if he liked that he was born. But this time it was different.

He was turning 18 officially in his last year of high school with all his friends. He hadn't told any of them about his birthday though, besides Izuku. He sat up in his shared bed and look towards his boyfriend who was still sleeping peacefully. 

"Babe wake up," Todoroki gently shook Bakugou and watched him groan. He turned to face Todoroki who was leaning over him, "What do you want?" He asked. Todoroki smiled at him.


Bakugou's eyes widened. "You woke me up... For a kiss?" He asked and Todoroki nodded like a child. 

"Go to sleep," 

"But I want a kiss.." Todoroki pouted. He felt a hand on the back of his head before he was pulled into a kiss. He smirked in victory once Bakugou pulled away and rolled onto his side.

"Katsukiii," Todoroki whined. Bakugou sat up and glared at the younger.

"It's my birthday," Todoroki smiled at him. 


Todoroki was spending the day with Bakugou as they went around the multiple cafes. They went to a museum for play. Todoroki was walking around the museum and stumbled into a room by himself.

There were different optical illusions all over the floors and walls along with uneven floors and walls. He walked through, stumbling and tripping. His feet missed the places that were supposed to be there before he finally stumbled out of the room. 

He looked around only to see Bakugou climbing the rock wall and staring at the floor like a champion. The bicolored hero laughed lightly before turning towards the room and smirking.

"Babe! Come here!" Todoroki shouted and watched Bakugou jump from the rock climbing and walk to him.

"What's up?" He asked. Todoroki pointed at the room and smirk. "It's a trippy room, Get through it without falling and I'll let you do something to me once we get back to the dorms,"


Bakugou didn't succeed. He had fallen halfway through and had the grab the wall to stop himself from falling. He turned to Todoroki who laughed at him and walked through without a problem. It was funny watching Bakugou struggle.

Once they got out of the room they walked up a flight of stairs and towards a large-looking potato head. Beside it was a bunch of virtual rooms that showed cool sensors that detected body heat and can connect you to a screen. After hours of being there, Todoroki gently tugged Bakugou's shirt and gave him puppy dog eyes.

"I'm hungry and I wanna go back to the dorms," He whispered. Bakugou nodded and led Todoroki out of the museum and towards his car.


Once they got back to the dorms everything was silent. Bakugou had got on his phone quickly before turning it off and walking Todoroki inside the dorms. The lights were off and everything was silent.

"We're home?" Todoroki called to no one. Suddenly the lights flew on and people jumped from random places, "SURPRISE!"

Todoroki stared in shock at all the decorations. He usually didn't do parties for his birthday but today he was willing to try it. The dining area was covered in balloons and had a large cake in the middle of the table. The cake had around 5 layers and on each layer were 4 classmates each except the last layer that only had three classmates and Mr.Aizawa. Todoroki's edible person was placed on the top of the cake. It was built to show his powers. 

His eyes watered as he continued to look around. Hanging from the ceiling was a dog-shaped pinata and a large sign that read, 'Happy Birthday Shoto'

There was confetti all over the floor and decorations all over. Music was blasting and students all waited for Todoroki's reaction.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist before the person placed their chin on Todoroki's shoulder.

"Surprise baby," Bakugou whispered and that's when Todoroki lost it. Tears dripped down his face as he smiled widely. 

"Thank you, guys!" He wiped his tears as Bakugou kissed his cheek and walked to the group.

"Who's idea was this?" He asked and Kirishima stepped forward. 

"Well, you see. I helped come up with the idea but the main planners were Bakubro and Izuku!" He said and Todoroki turned to his boyfriend and best friend who just smiled at him.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY ON A ROLL!" Mina shouted and Todoroki laughed before walking to the table and dipping his finger in the bottom layer's frosting. He dipped his finger into his mouth and hummed in approval.

"Sato?" Todoroki asked as he swirled his tongue around his finger to get the rest of the frosting off.

"Yeah," Sato stepped forward awkwardly and Todoroki nodded towards him.

"This is amazing dude, thank you!"


Everyone was talking or playing games. The party fell into nighttime and everyone decided it was time to cut the cake and sing happy birthday. 

They had Todoroki sit in a chair beside the cake and watched as people recorded. The song went on and Todoroki just smiled awkwardly. As soon as the song ended someone came behind him and smashed a smaller cake into his face.

He sat there completely frozen in shock as pieces of vanilla cake fell into his lap. Bakugou leaned forward from behind him and smirked. 

"Surprise," He whispered and laughed at Todoroki's expression of shock. He felt Bakugou lean in and dip his finger in the frosting before putting his finger in his mouth and backing up from Todoroki.

"Oh my God his reaction is priceless!" Izuku laughed... Todoroki stood up and grabbed some on the cake that fell into his lap before turning around and throwing it at Bakugou. It hit him right in the chest making everyone burst out laughing.  Bakugou walked to Todoroki and grabbed him by the waist. He lifted him up and twirled him around before handing him a rag to help clean the cake off.

Todoroki wiped his face and threw the rag into the sink before grabbing the knife and looking at everyone.

"What is the flavor?" He finally asked and Sato looked around before sighing.

"Well, it's a multi flavor cake. The first layer which is the biggest is chocolate. The second layer is vanilla. The third flavor is red velvet the fourth is banana and the top flavor with your little person is strawberry. Whoever's character is on whichever layer wanted that specific flavor," He explained and Todoroki nodded. He looked at the people and laughed when he saw Bakugou's small person with explosions coming out of his hands.

He leaned down and cut Bakugou's piece before handing the plate to Bakugou.

He cut everyone's piece and then his own. 

The rest of the night was spent, watching movies, dancing, eating cake and just partying. Todoroki had never loved his birthday. He never found meaning in it. Until today. His friends had shown him a new meaning of birthday and made him feel thanks for everything.

He loved his friends, his teachers, and everyone that was in the school.

"You guys really are closer than my family..." That was the last thing he said before falling asleep.

"That's because we are your family,"

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