Chapter 3

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Todoroki looked in the mirror and brushed his hair back. No today wasn't the day of his official date but he had been invited out by his friends. He sighed and looked at his clothes. Bakugou was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed and his eyes trained on his phone.

"So why exactly am I here?" Bakugou asked as he finally looked up to Todoroki.

"Moral support," Todoroki answered and looked in the mirror again.

"You look fine stop being so indecisive and know that you look like you and you yourself look okay," Bakugou grumbled and rolled his eyes. Todoroki nodded before observing his outfit one last time. His friends were just going to the park for a picnic and Todoroki felt overdressed but at the same time underdressed.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts that went right above his knees. He had a white hat on and a silver necklace with a small red and white gem at the bottom. His shoes were black and he had white socks that went right under his knees.

"I look fine," Todoroki mumbled to himself. 

"Yes, you do now get out and go hang out with your dumbass friends!" Bakugou said before walking out of the room and towards his own dorm which was right below Todoroki's. 

Todoroki walked out of his room and rushed towards the stairs. He pushed open the door and ran down the stairs before making it to the common room. Iida, Tsuyu, Izuku, and Uraraka were sitting there waiting for him. Once he saw Uraraka he froze and instantly felt his insides boil with anger.

"Izuku can we talk in private?" Todoroki asked, making his appearance noticeable. Izuku looked up and nodded. They walked away from the group and Todoroki let himself let loose.

"I don't want to go anywhere with Uraraka," Todoroki whispered. Izuku nodded up at him and looked over towards the group.

"Is there a reason?" Izuku asked.

Todoroki nodded and leaned against the wall behind him.

"She basically told me that I'm wasting my time with Bakugou and I should go for Momo, telling me that we're complete opposites and would never work out... It's nothing bad but I'm still uncomfortable being around her..." Todoroki replied honestly and watched Izuku's face turn.

"I don't believe Ochako would do such a thing but I don't believe you would lie about it either... Just come along Todoroki and completely ignore her. Don't let one girl ruin our friend time since you barely ever agree to come out with us!" Izuku shouted as he grabbed Todoroki's wrist and gently pulled him along. 

Todoroki no longer felt overdressed or underdressed. Izuku was wearing a lime green tank top and brown shorts that were a little too tight and too short along with his original red sneakers. Iida was wearing a skintight blue shirt and white shorts along with blue sneakers and Uraraka was wearing a white skirt and a pink turtle neck crop top. She had knee-high fishnets and black sandals. Tsuyu was wearing a dark green dress, her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she was wearing black sandals.

Izuku led the way as the group walked through the heat to the park. Iida insisted on holding the blankets and food bucket so he went ahead to bring everything. Izuku was carrying games while Todoroki had a bag of things that included, sunscreen, a change of clothes for everyone (except Uraraka because he threw her clothes in the dumpster) Some rechargeable fans, portable chargers, and bug spray.

Uraraka and Tsuyu were carrying a small cooler full of water and sodas. This would be the perfect picnic for all of them.


Once everything was set up Todoroki had applied sunscreen and had Izuku apply it on his back before sitting down on the blanket and looking around the park. It was a big field of grass that was empty on the side they were at. On the other side, just across a bridge over a small lake was a bunch of kids and adults who were enjoying the spring heat.

"Say Todoroki, How's everything going with Kacchan? Did he tell you where he was taking you for the date?" Izuku asked as he sat down beside Todoroki. Izuku handed Todoroki the bug spray and waited for him to spray it.

"Everything's going fine and no he hasn't. He told me to dress casual and he knows a place but told me nothing of it," Todoroki answered and handed the bug spray back.

"I know where you're going, Kacchan asked me about it and I told him it was an awesome idea. Totally something you'd love. I'm not snitching though!" Izuku smirked and gently nudged Todoroki.

"I'm telling you Todoroki, I don't think Bakugou is for real about this. Maybe he'll ditch you. Maybe you need to see it before you believe what I say so don't come back to us when he dumps you," Uraraka huffed out before standing up and going to play kickball with Iida and Tsuyu. 

"Okay yeah now I believe you," Izuku whispered while Todoroki just nodded and sighed.

"Dumb bitches never learn huh?"

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