Chapter 6

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This chapter is Short because the other one was almost 2000 words so yuh <3 next chapter everything should go back to normal which is between 700-1000 words per chapter



Todoroki and Bakugou quickly gather the stuff, Todoroki taking the bundle of flowers before they both ran to the car. They had put their clothes back on and were laughing as they tried to beat the rain. Once they got to the car Bakugou threw the items to the backseat and turned on the car.

"Fucking mother nature," Bakugou grumbled making Todoroki giggle beside him. The car drive back was silent. Not an awkward silence more of peaceful silence. Rain gently padded the windows and Todoroki watched the droplets fall.

When they got back to the dormitory, Bakugou had parked up and grabbed Todoroki's chin. He tilted it upwards before placing a gentle and quick kiss on his lips. 

"I had lots of fun," Bakugou admitted before getting out of the car and rushing to the other side to help Todoroki out. Todoroki held the teddy bear and the bouquet of flowers close to him as they ran inside and into the common room. 

Bakugou's friends were all sitting there waiting for him and Izuku was in the kitchen waiting for Todoroki.

"Thank you for taking me out Bakugou, I'm so very grateful and had lots of fun!" Todoroki pressed a quick kiss on Bakugou's cheek before rushing to Izuku and pulling the greenette to the elevator. Bakugou walked towards his group of friends and sat down.

"So...?" Kaminari leaned forward.

"I did it. We're 'Dating' now. How long do I have to keep up this act?" Bakugou asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Until Christmas," Kaminari answered.

"WHAT!? THAT'S LIKE- MONTHS AWAY YOU DUMBASS!" Bakugou shouted and shot up from his seat.

"Exactly! Lead him on then crush his heart!" Kaminari argued as he backed up from the fuming blonde.

"That's not manly bro..." Kirishima mumbled actually feeling bad for Todoroki. Bakugou sighed and sat down. He didn't want to lead Todoroki on until Christmas but a dare is a dare and he knew if the others were in his shoes they would do it too.

"Fine," Bakugou mumbled.

"How was the date anyways?" Mina asked. 

"It was okay, It started raining so we didn't get to finish the last part but everything went as planned, and hey guess what? He's not suspicious of it but we do need to get that damn pink cheeks off my tail. She's obviously sprouting some shit to Todoroki and he's going to question me sooner or later," Bakugou growled.

Kirishima nodded before getting up. 

"I'm going to go head up to my dorm. Jirou can deal with Ochako since everyone here is playing a role in something already. Kaminari makes sure everything goes to plan, Mina plans the dates and I am the moral support," Kirishima waved before walking up to the elevator.


Todoroki dragged Izuku into his now cleaned room and shoved him on the bed. 

"So how was it!?" Izuku asked as he held onto the teddy bear that Todoroki got.

"God Midoriya it was so damn perfect! He was so kind and just everything that I needed. I was able to let loose and he got me this!" Todoroki showed the bracelet off. Izuku grabbed his wrist and ran his finger over the gems.

"That's so cute~ I also see he gave you some flowerssss? So are you guys official?" Izuku smiled at his friend who laid beside him and put his head on Izuku's lap.

"Yeah, He asked me to be his boyfriend. We kissed under the sunset and played in the water. Everything was so good. He made a lot of food too and snacks which were absolutely amazing!" Todoroki sighed and closed his eyes sleepily.

"I'm so glad I agreed to that date..." Todoroki whispered before falling asleep against Izuku.

"I'm just glad you're happy"

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