Chapter 8

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Bakugou hugged Todoroki tightly, trying to calm him down. He didn't like seeing the boy in so much pain. He wanted to march over and explode Izuku to bits but he composed himself and bit the inside of his cheek. His top priority was making sure Todoroki was calmed down.

 Before long the sharp uneven breaths turned into low snores. Bakugou gently lifted Todoroki and carried him up the flights of stairs until he got to the hallway that his own room was on. He walked down the fourth-floor hallway. As soon as he made it to his door, Kirishima walked out his own.

"Hey, Bakubro... I don't like this dare you're doing," Kirishima admitted as he looked at Todoroki's tear-stained face.

Bakugou motioned for Kirishima to follow as he walked inside of his dorm and laid Todoroki under the blankets.

"I don't either. He seems so happy and I don't wanna take that from him. A dare is a dare though," Bakugou whispered. Kirishima ran his hand over Todoroki's forehead. 

"Is he okay?" Kirishima asked.

"That damn worthless Deku was screaming at him and he fainted soon after. Is he catching a fever?" Bakugou placed his hand on Todoroki's forehead and sighed. His forehead was really hot and he could tell Todoroki was getting extremely hot.

"Can you go in the minifridge and grab a frozen rag and a cold water bottle?" Bakugou removed the blankets from Todoroki and slipped the shirt off him. He placed only a small blanket over him before being handed the things he had asked for.

He placed the iced rag on Todoroki's head and sat beside him waiting for him to wake up.

"Bakubro... At least try not to hurt him... Please," Kirishima pleaded. Bakugou got up and patted Kirishima's hair.

"I'll try..." He assured before ushering Kirishima out of the door. Todoroki had begun to stir and slowly opened his eyes. 


Bakugou stomped down the stairs and towards the common room. He walked to Izuku and gripped his collar aggressively pulling him from the couch.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He shouted and threw Izuku back on the sofa. The fear in the greenettes eye made Bakugou stop for a second.

"I-I don't know what came over me!" Izuku shouted as he held his arms up in a defensive pose. Bakugou brought his fist down and slapped Izuku before turning on his heel and walking to the kitchen. Todoroki was sick in his room and instead of going to the nurse, Bakugou decided to help the boy till he filled better.

The first thing he did was make some cold soba. He grabbed medicine and a bucket of water. He carried everything to the elevator and pressed the 4 button. The elevator dinged and stopped on the fourth floor. He carried the things back to his room and opened the door to see Todoroki.

He placed the bucket of water on the floor before helping Todoroki sit up and give him the soba. He dumped a bag of ice into the bucket of water and dipped the rag into the water. Todoroki ate the soba quickly and placed the plate on the nightstand. He laid back down and was met with a freezing cold rag.

"We should just go to recovery girl..." Todoroki whispered.

"If you're going to carry your own self there then shut up."


Izuku sat next to Iida and they talked quietly. They were the only ones who could hear each other. Izuku has his hero notebook laid in his lap and he was talking to Iida about the notes he was writing. Kirishima walked into the common room first, Mina and Kaminari following.

"I can't believe he's actually going through with the prank. Poor Todoroki," Mina said loudly. Izuku looked over and their eyes met. Her face was covered in shock and regret as Izuku stood up slowly. He walked towards them and bent down to mina's level.

"What prank?" His voice was threateningly low. 

"Nothing!" Mina squeaked and pulled Kaminari out of the common room.

"They're hiding something."

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