Campus Talents

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Taehyung hastily finished with his exercise as he saw Jisoo finally walking at the stage.

"My day is finally complete!" He grinned from ear to ear, "my muse is finally here."

Jisoo looked over, rolling her eyes, "It's too early to flirt V!"

She was holding a clipboard and an earpiece and ready to give commands. She's in charge of the stage production for the upcoming Campus Talent and Taehyung is part of the performers. Some may even say, he just signed up to get to be closer to Jisoo, but some just say he really signed to get out of class.

"How can you still look so pretty even when you guys ended up late last night?"

Jisoo paused and just took a deep breath. "Are you done with practice?"

"Of course! But..." He replied sheepishly and he handed her a candy. "To keep your day sweet." He said giving that bright smile he always had.


Jisoo checked all the listed things and seeing that all performers are ready, she called out to have a relay of things. She reached in her pocket to find her pen but instead take a hold of the candy Taehyung gave.

She saw him smiling at her direction and instantly felt her heart tug. She let go of the candy and looked somewhere else.

Really, if that guy wasn't playing around too much, he would have had this whole school doing all his biding. She remembered being so scared when they both run for student representative. Everyone seems to be so set in electing him. 

But he conceded.

It was the first time she kind of hated him. The move made her look like it was handed to her, not something she was elected for.

"Could we straighten the banner a little to the right?" She said.

"Tsk, you should've said something earlier." a girl a year higher said.

She just looked at her.

"Copy boss." Another guy said.

"Thanks." She said trying to keep the mood light. "Okay everyone, let's have a rundown on the performance."

There had been a lot of buzz on who will go first, in spite the fact that they already settled to pick by numbers. She took a deep breath and raised her voice for everyone to settle down.

She again set the rules they've all agreed upon. The seniors are satisfied that they'd be the last performers while the juniors open the performance.

While the performers are practicing, she was busy looking after the banners she wanted straighten.

"I wonder where the other committees are?" Taehyung suddenly said.

"Why?" she tried not to sound surprised at his sudden presence.

"Just cause they basically let you handle everything."

"Do you have a problem with how I'm handling things?"

"Nothing in particular, you are actually so good," he said with a smile, "I just don't want you to be exhausted."

She was taken a back. It was thoughtful but maybe he shouldn't say it in front of all these people. She felt her face warming.

"Could you please erm.. go back to your friends?"

He chuckled but retreated with a smile.

Later when she was alone at the Student Office, she finally got the chance to eat the candy.


Jennie, Rose, Lisa all looked beautiful as they put their make up on.

"Woowww, how pretty!!!" Jisoo said to them as she entered their classroom. It was sort of vacant as the other students are busy with their groups or hanging out someplace else. Technically, she was supposed to be part of the performers but she was assigned to be on the committee.

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