Fridays are for Fun

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Thursday is for class performances. The one everyone was practicing. This is the most hectic day as 7 groups performed.

Like yesterday, she had her costume under her puffy dress and slid on the stage when it was their class performing.

Everyone did great, of course there are some minor stage problems but it was easily solved. The energy of the school was high and anticipates the grand finale tomorrow.

Jisoo retrieves her things in their tent. It has become her very own room by now since this is where she has been for this weeks activities.

"You have impressive guts little missy." James Park suddenly said.

She flinched. This is something she expected, she smirked at him.

"I must admit, a girl like you did accomplish a lot," he said moving closer, "I'm actually glad I saw you and your friends perform, because thats the last time you will ever come up on stage."

"Stop threatening me." Jisoo said.

"This is not a threat, little girl, this is reality. You lack everything, and I'm sure no one will sign you up."

"Why do you care so much?" Jisoo said, "or are you afraid someone like me could probably bring you down?"

"YOU? BRING ME DOWN??" he growled at him, the usual happy man gone in a second.

"Why not? You wont amount to anything, especially if the people will know you peddle drugs in the industry."
Jisoo said, "that's what I saw last time we met right? The things on your table you didnt even bother to keep even if you know we are meeting."

He laughed maniaclly, "YOU THINK I'LL GO DOWN BECAUSE OF THE DRUGS?!!"

Jisoo was scared but she kept her cool.

"Ohhh babeee, you are too innocent." He laughed looking at her, "you are so fucking beautiful, especially now that you've grown up, Im thinking of giving you another chance.. just so I can teach you the adult world."

"You are so gross." Jisoo said, really, her blood is boiling. "Dont come near me."

"You have no idea what I can do huh?" He said the maniac smile still on his face, "Do you know why I'm so fucking king? Its because I do my business well. So well that no one dare cross me. I give the best drugs- any drugs, i have it! If people need girls, I have an ample supply, I even have younger ones if someone's looking."

He chuckled, Jisoo felt so sick.

"I control everything babe, infact, I can even have you and no one will bat an eye." He said.

Jisoo felt numb. The kind where your head is screaming to get out but your body just wont move.

"So dont test me." He said. "This will be my final warning, come to me and be my girl, or you make sure I dont see you ever again. Else, I might not be as kind as I am now, and you might not see the light of day."

Studying abroad sounds so nice right now. She thought.


That night, there was a gentle knock on her door. Jisoo did not answer but the door opened. Jennie, Lisa and Rose entered. They did not say anything but they huddled beside her. She wept silently. After a while, they were all sobbing as they drift to sleep.


"Rise and shine girls!" Jisoo said. It was 6 in the morning and the girls are surprised by the sudden noise.

"Jisoo?" Jennie said still not awake.

"What the hellll..." Lisa complains.

"Have you gone crazy?" Rose said.

"I made pancakes." She said energetically.

"Nzdjekjwowmsheidjxkdll" the girls said different incoherent things.

"Come on, up you go, we need to get ready." Jisoo said.

"We were literally crying last night! How are you like this right now?" Lisa said.

"I knowww," Jisoo said "but that's that, you guys shared my grief, there's no reason for me to be down as much."

"Damn I think your crazy." Rose said.

"We're giving you more time to be sad." Jennie said, "or at least, give us more time to actually wake up and be sad to wake up early."

"The pancakes will get cold." Jisoo said.

"Its so fucking early unnie, who would be up in this time?" Lisa whispered.

"Jisooo!!" They heard Taehyung shouting from the kitchen, "um.. I think they're burning!!!"

"Ahhh waittt!!!" Jisoo hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

"These fuckin idiots..." Jennie said to herself.

"Yah!!! If you two are on a date, why involve us!!!" She shouted after.

"What is this?" Rose said. Getting up because she didnt want to eat burned pancakes.

"Why did I suddenly have crazy parents?" Lisa said.


The pancakes didnt burn. The table was noisy as the girls and Taehyung banter about anything while eating the pancakes.

It was a good start as Fridays are always happy days.

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