The Blunder

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Jinyoung. Sophomore. Soon to debut idol. Had several acting stints last year. MC-ed at several award shows.

Taehyung. Freshman. Model. Had a major role on a movie. Soon to debut idol. Performed at different events (solo). Performed at different concerts with his group (unofficial debut). Highest followers in IG at their school (rumor has it he's the most followed guy in their region).

Jisoo. Freshman. Model. MC-ed at several awards show. Had small parts in some drama. The face of a local brand (wrist watch). Only time been seen performing was a video practice from an interview, and with an approval that is OK.

"Wouldn't it be great if we're able to act together someday?" Jinyoung said as they hook up their mics.

Jisoo was busy giving instructions to the people.

"Yeah, that will be awesome but I doubt you'll have time for acting." Taehyung said having trouble with the cords for his earpiece. " I heard you guys will debut early next year, and are working on your MV now."

"Ahh.. everything is still in negotiation.."

"V, what are you doing?" Jisoo asked seeing him tangling the cords. Jinyoung helped him out.

Taehyung mouthed at him to let Jisoo do it but Jinyoung just smiled and said, "Hey Jisoo, wanna be the female lead on our MV?"

"Huh? Why ask me that now Jinyoung?" Jisoo said with a little chuckle. "You all set V?"

Taehyung annoyingly nod.

"I just think you fit the part well." Jinyoung said.

"Aishh, enough of that," Taehyung said, "Chichu can you help me with this cue cards?"

"What's wrong? They seem fine." Jisoo said inspecting the cards.

"TurtleRabbit, everything's A-OK here at the waiting area." The two-way radio said.

"Copy that, on stand by." Jisoo responds. "OGV (Original Visual), we are ready to go."

"Copy that TurtleRabbit. Stand by in five." Irene on the other end replied.

"You'll do fine V." Jisoo said assuringly.

Taehyung wanted to say he wasn't nervous. Or that he was the one who told her not to be nervous a little while ago. Or that she looks so cool right now.

"Let's go up the stage now." Jisoo said.


It was like they've rehearsed hosting the concert.

They had some mistakes but it was easily turned into jokes and the school doesnt seems to mind.

"Ahhh I'm pretty sure Jisoo is giddy right now." Jinyoung said.

"Of course, the next performers are VERY SPECIAL." She said. The crowd is now excited with a few chanting.

"Ohhh look how excited you are, can I do the introductions?" Taehyung said.

"No, let me introduce my girls!" Jisoo said.

"Then, please do the honors Jisooshi." Taehyung said.

"Everyone, please welcome, my favorite people, Blackpink!" Jisoo said excitedly as the roar of students filled the ground.

Jessie, Rose, and Lisa were so pretty and great at their number. They were so mesmerizing and Jisoo was so proud cheering at the stage.

After their number, the three squealed in their mics, "We miss you Kim Jisoo!!!"

"Woahhhh that was you huh?" Taehyung said as they resume hosting.

"Yeah, I'm Kim Jisoo." She laughed as she readily introduced the next set.

"No, your voice, it was harmonizing as part of the music right?" He said. Jisoo was surprised he catch that. "Woahhhh Blackpink is so cool, managing to have Jisooyah perform even with just her voice."

Taehyung even applauded as the flustered Jisoo pinch his arm. It was so sudden and she didn't even want to say anything about that.

"Ahhh, is that why the sound was so good?" Jinyoung said.

"Aish you two, you guys are making me blush." She said trying to remain compose.


It was now time for BTS' performance.
Taehyung's eyes darted at the stage where they MC.

Expectedly, Jisoo and Jinyoung were there. He smiled as he saw Jisoo singing and sort of dancing along. Their eyes met and he automatically smiled.

And she unexpectedly smiled.

At him.

Is this really happening?

For a short while he felt time stop. It was amazing.


"Jisoo saved us didn't she?" Jin said proudly. "Such a reliable maknae."

Taehyung looked at him and retorted, "I saved your butts too hyung."

"Ahh you were there too?" Jin said teasing.

"She's so reliable." Namjoon said proudly.

"Even if you guys keep picking on her." Taehyung said with accusation in his voice.

"Actually, I've been thinking about that. Why were the juniors and seniors the only ones given permission to perform?" Suga asked.

Namjoon kept quiet but Jin said, "We dont know... yet. That rule was just implemented this year."

Taehyung didn't think too much about what they were talking about. He had been rummaging through his phone since they went back.

He felt his heart sinking to his stomach whenever he thought of sending a friend request to Jisoo.

It's should be ok to send a friend request now right? They sort of bonded over during this concert. She even smiled at him.

It is him she was smiling at right?

Right. Right. Right. He's the only one she's at least have had a conversation within their group.

Jin and Namjoon not counted.

Their relationship was better than the first time they met.

It won't be awkward to just send a request right?

"Tae.. look what I got." Jungkook said.

"I'll look at it later." Taehyung said. He was scrolling through the boring posted photos of the concert. Contemplating his action to make.

The MCs are given a special post, thanking the three of them. He clicked on that.

"Lookie here Taehyung!" Jungkook said impatiently.

"Whoa, thats a good shot of Jisoo!" JHope said that finally made Taehyung look at them.

"Ugh, like a love sick puppy..." Suga said.

He looked at Jungkook's phone and saw a picture of Jisoo smiling WITH HIM. Just the two of them. NO JINYOUNG.

Its not even a cropped one. A legit photo.

"Send that to me." Taehyung said.

"Buy it."

"The hell Jungkook!"

He took a deep breath. It's just a friend request. He better get this over with so that he can focus on killing Jungkook.

He hastily send the request.

Then he went after Jungkook.

Whatever happen after that is something he'll figure out.

It's gonna be okay.



She looked at the new notification and was surprised.

It was so out of the blue and she didn't actually know how to react.

Kim Taehyung had sent a friend request.

She fumbled over for a minute.

Then Jennie accepted.

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