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"You ok?" Taehyung asked as they bond over washing the dishes.

Jisoo slightly bump her head to wherever arm or shoulder of Taehyung's, "yeah, the girls stayed with me all night."

"I'd be there too if you called me."

"And stay with the four of us?" Jisoo looked at him with judging eyes.

"No!" He said scrunching his nose at her with a bit of frustration in his voice.

"Were not recruiting for a fifth member." She continued smiling. She was still freak out by James Park but the girls and now Taehyung kept her spirits up. Her phone is also blasted by people trying to comfort her.

"Im the official fifth member already if you didnt notice." He said proudly.

"And the most supportive boyfriend-" He smirked as she looked surprised at him, "candidate. Since Suho already gave up on you."

He looked at her and gave a confident smirk.

"Suho oppa?we've only been friends, he never flirts with me you know." She said confused.

"Exactly." Taehyung chuckled triumphantly. "Im the only one."

Jisoo looked at him curiously. "You actually are the only one."

They both looked at each other, the air becomes tense.

But Jisoo snaps out as she remembered Taehyung needs to go get ready for today. "Off you go V-shi! You can't slack off now."

"Eh?? Its still-"

"NOW." Jisoo said pushing him out the door.

"Fine." Taehyung said but playfully keeping his body weighing on Jisoo as she struggle to push him. "But tell me Im the only one."

She laughed, "ye ye, you really are the only one."

He suddenly move to face her and gave her a tight hug and whispered, "and you are my only one."

He kissed her cheek, "take care my Jisoo, I'll see you later."

Jisoo was left blushing as she watch Taehyung wave and drive off.


We are having a bad storm I kinda got distracted what Im supposed to write.

Anyways hope everyone is safe from this weird and possibly deadly weather.


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