The Oh Noes

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The days are begining to be busy. Jisoo was actually amazed at how hectic things are going. The council has been busy with the upcoming programs.

Besides that, they have a class presentation to prepare. They had just finally decided on a song and now Lisa and the others are busy with the choreograph.


[Im feeling bored]

It was Taehyung. She heard he has a big part in their class' presentation. She is actually secretly looking forward on what he's up to.

[So busy yet you have time to feel bored.. I kinda envy you]

She replied, trying to text so quickly so no one will notice. Why is she getting concious of what she do nowadays?


[Meet you in the lib later?]


Jisoo read Taehyung's message. Yeah, her heart skip a beat. Maybe she had too many coffee today?



She asked.

[Coz I wanted to feel inspired]

He replied. She smiled.


"Ah Tae, where are you going?" Tzuyu asked as he was silently slipping out of class.

"Ah, I need a breather.." He said casually. He was actually getting irritated at their class. It has been days since they started with the project and everyone just seems to talk nonstop, but not making any final decision.

"Please stay, we are about to finalize things.."


Taehyung sat at the table where he accidentally saw Jisoo singing before. He wasnt sure if Jisoo would come but he's fine with anything. He just wants some alone time.

He's got a feeling that nothing will come of that "finalizing things" Tzuyu was talking about.

The library is awesome, not a lot of people went here and its quiet. Like it was inviting him to sleep...

"Are you sure your trying to get inspired, or are you just trying to get a nap?"

His ears perked up, Jisoo's voice instantly made him smile.

"I'm so inspired right now." He said.

She smirked, "Its surprising to know you get inspired at the library too."

She gently put some notebooks down and put her hair up. "I also prefer the library when I want to work on something."

Taehyung just watch her. It was a treat to see her casually talking to him. Jisoo is effortlessly beautiful. The way she move and put up her hair makes his heart beat faster.

"Why arent you working though?" Jisoo asked curiously.

"Did you think I get inspired at the library?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, you said that in your message."

"I see..." he said sheepishly, "just so you know, I meant I will be inspired, because I will see you at the library."

Jisoo stoped. She instantly felt her face get warmer and she did not look up to face him.

"That didnt make sense." She said with a little laugh, "how sure were you that I'll be here?"

"But you are here." Taehyung pointed out smilling. She looked up to him surprised.

"Flirt." She said smirking at him. He softly chuckled, it was cute. "Stop making me an excuse for you to slack off, Taehyung."

He just smiled as he hear her say his name. Jisoo opened his notebook and said, "start working or I'll leave."

He didnt say anything but started reading his notes. His task is to help with the mood of their presentation, he already gave the proposal to the class. He just needs for his class to finaly decide the song, and then he will help with the production.

"What are you working on?" He asked.

"Hmm, some papers for the council..." she replied without looking at him.

"Do you even have freetime?"

"Of course!" She said with a smile.

"What do you do with your freetime?"

"I sleep it off." Jisoo said, then looked up at him, "what about you?"


"What's happening to me?" Jisoo said as she blankly stare at the ceiling.

She's been feeling happy the past few weeks.She had a pile of work done and had some write ups to do, usually she's spent by this time, but now she still feels energetic.

Her phone rang, it's her mother.

She was just checking on her, telling her that her childhood friend has been the top of their level and had been thinking of moving abroad to study.

"Think about going with her to study. We will support you all the way, and you dont need to worry about anything." her mom said, "I know your good at singing and dancing, but theres too many people doing that already, we are just afraid you might not succeed. We dont want you to regret things in the future Jisoo."

Jisoo sigh. She did not want to go back to normal school.

She said her goodbye and ended the call. Her insecurities are building up again.

Unlike her friends, she was way below with her singing technique. She also had to work on her dance. Will she ever keep up? What if they decided to go on without her, or have someone replace her?

These feelings are suffocating her. She can only sigh.. she sometimes wish she could have someone to talk to regarding these feelings.


Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Taehyung's name pop up.

"Oh no..." she groaned as she tried to calm the butterflies down her stomach.

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