The meet part 1

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Tommy's POV:

It was about 5 in the afternoon. I was taking a stroll around the SMP, drinking apple juice and looking at the slowly setting sun.

 Suddenly I heard what sounded like an enderman. I immediately took out a pumpkin just to be safe, and looked around trying to locate it. I saw a weird person at the foot of an oak tree, and he looked hurt. 

I cautiously went nearer, and saw it was a human with one side of his face black, with a green eye, and the other white with a red eye and tear streak shaped scars. He looked like he had a broken leg and he was bleeding from a gash on his arm. I knelt down beside him and asked "Sir can you hear me?"

 I don't know why I called him sir, he looked about the same age as me, about 15. He answered yes, and asked who I was. I answered, "My name is Thomas Minecraft, but you can call me Tommy. What's your name?"

"R-ranboo. My name is Ranboo." "Nice to meet you!" I answered. 

I didn't know whether to move him or not, and was really curious about his strange appearance. However I didn't want to offend him, and kept my mouth shut. I took out a first aid kit I always had on me, and started patching him up, apologizing whenever he winced. 

"Well Ranboo, nice to meet you. Would you mind explaining to me what exactly happened to you?"

He hesitated before answering: "I was just walking around here, I haven't ever seen this land and I think I am lost, then suddenly a creeper pops up in front of me! I didn't have any armour or shield, and didn't run in time! So I got blown up. What is this place?"

"This is the Dream SMP. Here we are like a huge family. Everyone is friends with everyone, and I will now take you to my house. You look tired and hungry."

With that I lifted the strange boy and made him rest his arm on my shoulder. Supporting him, we headed back to my house. I was sure Dadza wouldn't mind Ranboo staying for a bit, and maybe he would know where he came from. Dadza knows a lot of things.

When we got home I was greeted by Dadza and Wilbur, my older brother. Techno was nowhere in sight. I assumed he was in the woods training or something. Phil asked: "Hey Tommy, where have you been and who is this?"

"This is Ranboo dad, I found him under a tree, and patched him up because he was injured. Can he stay with us for a bit? He said he was lost." Dadza agreed because he is a kind man, and then asked something: "Hey Ranboo, where are you from? You look a bit.... strange. Sorry!" He added hastily.

Ranboo seemed a bit embarrassed, and Dad apologized again. he shrugged it off though, and said: "Well, I am from the End. I am half enderman, and half something else. I don't know what though. That's why I'm so embarrassed. I should know, it's a part of me!" Enderman? Explains how that kid is so tall.

Dadza sensed him getting edgy, and changed the subject. "Well, kid, you must be hungry. Do you want food?" Ranboo nodded. "Thank you sir, I really appreciate it. I am very hungry indeed." "Aw kiddo, call me Phil!" Ranboo nodded again, and sat himself down cross legged on the floor, waiting for Phil to come back with some food. 

Ranboo's POV:

Tommy and Phil seem nice enough, and I truly appreciate the fact that I could stay a bit. I was sitting cross legged on the floor, and Phil came back with some bread and steak. I thanked him profusely and started eating.

 After a while Phil led me to a room, it was nice and cozy, there was a yellow carpet on the floor, a white bed in the corner, a small wardrobe with a few shirts in it, and a desk with a chair. On the desk was a stack of paper, and a few quills, as well as a pot of ink.

The window overlooked a beautiful meadow, with flowers and cows. It was so nice here, and my mind drifted off again before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and looked around: "hey big man!" Yelled Tommy.

"Hey Tommy! I was just looking at the view, it amazing!" "I know right!" The latter shouted. He started running around the room, screeching: "Dadza said you can stay as long as you need! He thinks I need more kids my age, and you are so cool!"

That kid is so hyper. And he seemed to only be able to communicate while yelling. He was loud, energetic, and funny. I liked him a lot, and was sure we would be good friends. I couldn't remember much of my childhood, and I didn't know if I had had friends. I wondered vaguely why I had memory problems, and decided to write a book.

I grabbed a quill and dunked it in ink, then titled a book: Memory Book, DO NOT READ

I wrote a lot of things, everything that had happened that day. Then I got into bed, as it was late and I was really tired. My leg still ached, but got better after Tommy's bandaging. he did the job well, and I could even write with my arm! It was sore still, but I appreciated the fact that Thomas and Philza had helped me out.

I slowly fell asleep, dreaming of my past. Endermen everywhere, the Dragon towering above us, and my mother was singing a lullaby in Enderman Runes. I didn't know my father, I didn't even know what he was. 

I guess I'll would find out one day...

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