That One Stream

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Heya! Finally someone sent me a request, because I'm really running out of ideas.

So first off thank you syndefo for the follow, it means the world to me :D

And this was requested by Hunter_0357, so thanks for the request!
But basically they requested a dream smp panel related oneshot, and I know nothing about Vidcom so i'm going to say ut was like a stream or smth. If you want me to change if I can always look it up more thoroughly and rewrite it. But for now there's this, I'll do my best :)

This is an irl AU for Tubbo angst.

Tubbo's POV:

''Hey chat, we're going to be doing a Q&A today to celebrate 1M followers, the rules are simple: no hate speech whatsoever, the mods will insta ban you.

That's it chat! Let's hear the questions pooling in.''

I finished explaining to my chat what we were going to do in today's stream.

Soon enough questions started being asked and the donations were skyrocketing.

YourMom714 gifted 10$

Hey Tubbo! What's ur favorite color?

''Thanks for the donation, my favorite color is either blue or yellow.''

I watched chat for a bit, they were spamming ''TOMMAYYYYYYYYYEE'' for some reason. I quickly searched mmy viewers and found that Tommy was indeed watching my stream.

ChickeneyBalls1234 gifted 15$

Tubbo do you really like Dream's music?
(Inspired by Tommy's lie detector video.)

''UM- I mean... it's good music. Other than the weird lyrics the tune is good-''

I mean what else should I say? He made a song telling me to take off my fucking clothes!

I put the stream on hold to use the bathroom and get a sandwich because I'm hungry.

After washing my hands I got a peanut butter and honey sandwich as well as a bottle of orange juice.

When I got back upstairs I sat down again and turned on the cam. I took a bite out if the sandwich and went ''OM'' as I chewed, watching with a small smile as chat started smapping ''OM''

As I took another bite I got another donation.

Cunt555 gifted 20$

Are you really dyslexic or are you just pretending for clout?

The robotic voice read out.

I choked on my sandwich and spent 3 minutes trying to dislodge peanut butter from my throat. When I finally finished coughing, there was another dono but I ignored it.

Why would I fake being dyslexic? And how come the mods let that pass? Was it actually a harmless text? Maybe I was just overreacting.

''U- um I'm not going to say your user but to answer the question, no I would never fake a disorder for clout. I have enough of that.'' I cursed myself for stuttering a bit, but I couldn't help it.

When I glanced at chat, it was indeed saying things like ''OH FAKER TUBBO'' or ''DYSLEXIC MY ARSE''

I held back tears as it got awkward for me to just be sitting there being weird.

Should I end stream? Show that I got upset? Or put on a brave face?

Eventuqlly I managed to get away.

I actually had a few tears on my face, hopefully no one noticed.

This just HAD to happen on my 1M stream, did't it.

I heard my discord notifications going wild, but ignores then.

Then a ringtone was heard.


Incoming voice call.

I chose to ingore it. I was sad okay?

Why woupd that person even say that, to purposefully ruin my day?

I sobbed quietly as I lay on my bed, contemplating the meaning of life.

Why do I know big words, but can't spell them?

I fell asleep with a wet pillow.

Sorry this was shit, I don't know how to make a subject like that interesting.

The original dm was more asking for a vidcom oneshot where tubbo gets asked weird stuff and runs away and chaos.

Which I can't write because I have 0 idea how VidCom works.

If someone would explain properly I will rewrite this; because google had bad results.

Thanks for reading, the follows and votes I'm getting, take care of yourselves :)

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