Met Death

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Art not mine belongs to Emily Aly on Pinterest

Wilbur's POV:

I was composing a new song, about Mumza. I missed her so much! It had been years since we last saw her. Tommy didn't even remember her, last time we saw her before she had to go on a mission, Toms was 2. 

I knew that Techno missed Kristin as well, he would often lock himself in his bedroom, I could hear him talking to himself, muttering about how it has been too long, and I felt truly bad for Phil, Mumza was his beloved wife, and I knew he lamented the fact he hadn't seen her in 13 years. 

"WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING!!!" I jumped and looked out of the window: Tommy was trying to fly a kite with Techno laughing at him in the background. Those two are adorable when they aren't arguing.

Suddenly Phil called us downstairs. "COMING DADZA!" I ran down, he sounded a bit excited about something. "Guys I have some great news! Kristin, who has been away for 13 years on an important mission, is coming back home to spend more time with her family!"

I stared in shock, not knowing what to feel. I was feeling a bit resentful towards Mumza because I felt like she abandoned us, but I still missed her and she was my mother so I nodded. Tommy just stared at Phil: "Wait Kristin? You mean Mum?" Phil nodded looking so happy.

 I was happy too now that the shock wore off. Techno was speechless though. I patted him on the back. "You alright there Bud?" He usually would have shaken me off, but he leaned into my touch and nodded. "I just don't know what to feel."

Phil said that Mum was coming home at around 6pm, meaning we had time. Dadza would usually have made us change into formal clothes when we were going to meet someone, but I think he wanted us to look as normal as possible so that Kristin could see how we had changed since she last saw us. 

I wore my usual outfit, yellow sweater, jeans, and a red beanie. Then I made my way to the flower fields near our home. I picked a bunch of them, tying them neatly with a white ribbon. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed Techno watching me. I walked over. "Hey Wilbur? What should I get Kristin? And should I call her that or Mumza? Do you think she remembers me? Us?"

I laughed nervously. It was unusual for Techno to be so stressed out but I kind of understood and felt the same. "Okay calm down man. You could get her some cookies or cake or something from Niki's bakery. I know she has a sweet tooth. Tommy's making her a necklace. Tubbo taught him how to do that last week. And I think call her Kristin for the time being unless she asks to be called something else. You could ask Phil he definitely knows more about it then me. And Techno, do I even need to answer the last to questions?"

"Look she's been away for over a decade! It was a valid question she might not remember me!" I saw how her departure had affected him. He always pretended to be tough but on the inside he is a mix of both. A perfectly balanced person. I felt a bit bad for what I said last.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to come out rude. Technoblade, she is your mother. And think logically: Would she even come home if she had forgotten us? She wouldn't. So please, Techno, calm down. I hate to see you like that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Techno. I'm sure."

"Okay then. I love you Will. Thanks for the advice by the way."

"No problem!" I watched as he ran in the direction of the bakery. He was a fast runner, I had always wanted to run like that. I'm not athletic though.

Tommy's POV:

There we go! Necklace finished. Voila. It was made of sapphires I had collected over the years. Those weren't particularly precious around the SMP, in fact they were quite common, so I no trouble finding them. 

I was wearing my daily outfit, the red and white T-shirt, black trousers, and white sneakers. I attempted to flatten my hair to no avail, it stuck out like usual. I didn't mind though, Phil had said to wear anything casual as long as it was clean.

I was a bit nervous to see Mum again, I mean last time I saw her I was a toddler. I didn't know what that mission was, except it had something to do with her role as Death. It wasn't like I hadn't missed her, I did! In fact I remember Techno telling me I was sad for the first few years after she left. Then I got used to being Mumless I suppose. Ha, add that to the dictionary. Mumless. ^v^

Phil called us all downstairs, and seemed surprised we had gifts for her, but I told him: "Consider it a welcome home present okay Phil? I just thought it would be polite." Techno nodded supportively.

Then we heard it. A knock on the door. Wilbur tensed up next to me, but I squeezed his hand and he relaxed a notch. I heard a squeal and a gasp. "Oh my goodness! Philza! It's been so long you look the same! Exactly the same!" "Come say hello to the boys. They are so excited to see you!"

She walked in. Wow. She had wavy purple-blue-black hair that shone in the yellow light from the setting sun, black eyes,, but not the creepy kind, the ones that looked into your eyes and you felt warmth emanate from them, not bad intentions. She was wearing a purple dress that wouldn't have looked out of place at a Halloween party. Where you went dressed as the Supreme Goddess of the Universe. That's what she looked like.

I just stared, I couldn't help it! She was like a magnet, and the targets were our eyes. She came to me, slowly and carefully, like she sensed my wariness. "Tommy? Is that you? You've grown so much! Last time I saw you... Toms I'm so sorry I left when you were so young. All of you. It's just my role as De-" She was cut off by me hugging her. The moment she called me Toms, I knew she was part of the family. Because nobody called me that ever. I didn't even like that name but I wasn't going to say that out loud. For Mumza, there was an exception.

I offered her the necklace. She looked at it and I could see the tears in her eyes. "Thank you Tommy! Where did you buy this? It's obviously professionally made. I blushed a bit, and when I told her I made it she was impressed. Wilbur offered her the flowers, and Techno had gotten her a fruit pie. Bit weird but from what I heard Mumza likes sweet bakes a lot. 

She went all around, never seeming to get enough hugs and gazing into our eyes. She was the most amazing mum any kid could ever dream to have.

"For Death, you're not that scary"

1.2k words pog!

Hey everyone! Should I do some dnf? I don't ship them >:( just asking
Thanks again I'm so happy with how this is going! Please let me know if something is wrong or could use some fixing in the story, and suggestions are always welcome, I'll put your name at the top and do my best! 

Remember to drink some water and get good sleep, have a great day/afternoon/night!

Ily all stay safe <3 

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