Among Us AU 1/?

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Hello amazing people! So my little bro likes among us a lot, and asked me to make this. I don't actually play the game so please forgive any stupid mistakes! Also I'm so sorry for not writing more often! I'm going through a lot but I know that's no excuse, I'll try to figure out a schedule, just please give me a bit more time.

Anyways enjoy the AU!

DSMP Members and their colors bc I'm bored (I doesn't matter tho):

Tommy - Red
Tubbo - Yellow
Ranboo - Black
Dream - Green 
Sapnap - Orange
George - Blue (Oop he probably sees it as green or something I'm so sorry Gogy!)
Purpled - Purple
Eret - Pink

Just so you know, it's not that important but who knows. Ranboo is an Enderman in this AU, but no-one else is a hybrid. People still call Tubbo Bee Boy, but he's not half bee or anything. Also I'm only saying what Tommy is, he's a crewmate. I'll let you ponder the rest, and figure it out for yourselves ^v^

And I don't think I'll be doing different POVs, only Tommy. 

And I'm tired so don't judge me it probably sucks.

Tommy's POV:

The message flashed above my head. I was so scared! The DSMPAC (Dream SMP Astronomy Center) Had ordered a bunch of us to embark on a ship. We had to do some basic tasks for whatever reason. I hadn't listened, but when I heard that Apparently a virus had hit one of our fellows, and he was now possessed with mad bloodlust, and would attempt to murder the other crewmates, I tensed up. So I had valid reason to be scared. 

Tubbo, Ranboo and I just decided to stick together, and since we knew each other very well, we would hopefully be able to tell if one of us is acting SUS. Which apparently is the word we are supposed to use when someone is acting weird.

"Hey Big Man! Nervous, eh? Our lives are at stake. I'm scared as well. Just thought acting brave would be cool." Huh. Tubbo will always be Tubbo. Scared enough to shit himself yet acting all brave.

Ranboo walked over to us. Well, floated. The ship had gravity, but at the moment was turned off so we could get used to the floating sensation. Tubbo did a backflip. I copied and nearly cricked my neck because I couldn't do backflips.

Tubbo floated around, doing all sorts of tricks that he probably learned back in his trampolining days.  

I saw a small text message appear in the corner of my vision, and upon further inspection I figured out it was a part of our helmets. It had a bunch of jumbled up letters and numbers, but also a sentence. <Task 1: Fix wiring, electrical> 

Tubbo had to go do something in the storage room, and Ranboo hadn't got any task yet so he was tagging along with Tubbo. (They're not married guys okay)

Suddenly, a message flashed red in my helmet. All over it, so it was obviously something important that I shouldn't miss. <GRAVITY BACK ON IN 1 MINUTE>. I readied myself for impact at any moment and tried not to let myself float too high up. <3,2,1, GRAVITY BACK ON>

I heard several thuds around me through the walls. Everyone's feet had made contact with the ground. I heard one loud one behind me, and turned in shock only to see a slightly disheveled Tubbo. 

Welp someone's airsick O_O

"You okay there man?''

"Yeah I'm fine. Ranboo has to peel potatoes for dinner, with George. That's his task. Do you have any? I don't trust anyone here and want to stay with Ranboo so George doesn't try anything sus."

The word has grown on him already. I checked the little message box I was now accustomed to seeing at all times in the corner of my eye, and saw it was blank. Cool, I thought. "I'm free Tubbo! Let's go keep the Enderman and Colorblind Bois in order!"

15 minutes later:


Tommy and Tubbo walked in, followed closely by Ranboo. The others were all already there, except for Purpled. God knows where that guy was.

We had steak and potatoes for dinner, and Ranboo force fed me broccoli. If I didn't know better I'd say he was the imposter, and here were his attempts at murder. Feeding me vegetables. 

Tubbo was still a bit green, but otherwise he ate and joked with the rest. Halfway through dinner Purpled barged in. He had a streak of oil in his hair, a dusty face with a very grumpy look on it.

"Where have you been, Purpled? We were starting to get worried."

"Fixing the stupid lower engine. I'm shit at mechanics, why couldn't there be a BedWars task in this ship..." His voice trailed off disdainfully.

"Well, lucky you came because I was about to finish the potatoes. Here!" Sapnap chucked a spoon and a plastic bowl at him. Purpled caught it.

After dinner I needed to use the bathroom. Tubbo was peacefully sleeping and Ranboo was reading a book by flashlight. We shared a dorm, and the only other group of people sleeping together were Dream, George and Sapnap. Purpled slept in a room by himself, so did Eret. 

I headed to the toilet, but I noticed a faint green light. I got a bit freaked out and walked the long way to the bathroom. When I was done I walked back to the dorm, but before I was even halfway there I heard a slight pant. I turned in shock and saw Dream.

He was staring at me with a strange look on his face. At least the homeless green Teletubby has somewhere to sleep now. But why was he up at 11PM?

"Hello Tommy. I was hoping we'd come face to face at some point. Alone. In the dark. What brings you here?"

"Fuck off Green Man. It's way past your bedtime." I thought if I played it badass he would leave me alone, or better still, be intimidated. 

But he came closer to me, ever closer, inching his freckled face so it was right in front of mine.

"We all know that TommyInnit is a scaredy-cat. Heck you nearly shit yourself when I came up behind you!"

He was so close now, I could feel his breathing, slow and calm. W-What the fuck was he trying to do?

The last thing I remember is hearing someone shout, a victory cry uttered as a shadowy figure  flung a small green ball at the floor. It burst and set off gas. I felt myself getting lightheaded, then fainted. I didn't know who did it. It might have been Dream, but I didn't have any energy to think.

The world went dark, and my spinning body was falling through it.


I'm sorry this was a shit chapter okay, I have kinda high standards when it comes to writing but I aim to reach them. 

I'm tired, so please don't judge me, specially since I don't play Among Us.

If anyone here reading this does, advice is well accepted and also needed. Even if you don't play I'm always happy to hear what anyone has to say, so yee.

Also I'm sorry if the suspense is too much to bear but I like cliffhangers so ^ ^

Make sure to get some good sleep, eat some food and have a great day/night. 
Stay safe ily all :)

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