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I'm not dead, will you look at that (*-*)
Sorry for not updating, I took a short (Long) break for my slowly degrading mental health so- umm

I also wanted to thank @Gh0sty_boi and @SouixWolf for the follows, it means a lot to me, thanks!

And thank you everyone for the reads, we hit 200+ together, and I'm really happy :)

Thanks y'all!
I hope you enjoy the chapter, I only got 2 hours of sleep yesterday and I had to decide between drinking coffee to not pass out but have my anxiety skyrocket, or literally die at school.
So I chose the coffee and I've got loads of anxiety now. Great. So please excuse any dumb grammar mistakes.


//TW: blood, passing out, panic attack, dying, suicidal thoughts, not being in control of one's body, and that should be it! Enjoy some Ranboo angst! TW///


Ranboo's POV:

"Hey Boo how was it?" Tubbo asked.

"Terrible, actually, Foolish was arguing with XD so I had to leave early."

That fucking God never laid off us. I had been helping Foolish build a new pyramid, but then DreamXD shows up and tells us to build a statue of him, and then things escalated.

'DADA! Hewwo!" Michael grinned up at me, and I picked him up and twirled him round, he laughed and snorted happily. 

"Earth to Ranboo, earth to Ranboo!" I broke out of my trance to Tubbo snapping his fingers in my face, and Michael looking up at me with a concerned look on his pink face.

"Sorry, zoned out, I'm really tired." I quickly apologized and smiled at them both reassuringly. 
"Dada, do you wanna watch a mwovie wiv us?" I smiled again, my grin becoming wider as I said: "Of course! Why would I not want to spend time with my platonic son and husband?"

We ended up watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

"Are you okay though, Ranboo? You look tired to death..." Tubbo whispered as Michael watched the dwarves dance around on the screen. 

"Mhm! Don't worry Tubs, I'm fine! Just slightly tired." Tubbo didn't look convinced, but didn't push it.

*Time skip till after the movie* 

I put Michael to bed, kissing him goodnight, then headed back to the living room, Tubbo looking at me with a concerned look on his face.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed. He quickly said: "nothing sorry" Then invited me over for cuddles.


I felt myself getting more and more tired, and eventually fell asleep on Tubbo's lap.

Tubbo's POV:

Ranboo was sleeping on my lap, he looked terrible, he had bags under his eyes, and was very light on my lap. I wasn't sure if he was eating well. I'm a terrible husband, I should have made sure he was eating. 

There was something he wasn't telling me. 

I eventually fell asleep myself, and woke up with a start because I heard a loud screech. 

I stood up, and felt myself getting lightheaded, so I took a moment to steady myself, then ran to look for the source of the sound, and found an enderman in the kitchen.

Purple eyes, incredibly tall and I avoided it's gaze. 
Something was terribly familiar. 

Oh no- No it can't be, he hadn't Enderwalked in years... 

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