Panic 1/2

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Hey everyone! I'm still trying to figure out a schedule
(Y'all are going: but cAt, you said that when you stArtEd writing, like, lAsT yeAr-)
Nu <3

I'm not professional and this stuff doesn't come easily to me.
Plus admit it. Who wouldn't rather read other's fanfics than write their own-

Happy pride month y'all (pretty sure i said that last chapter-)

And I will be coming out to you bc i'm certainly not telling anyone else
(Lol life is so much easier online)

No not eggs -_- i'm pan.
So any pansexuals out there-
And everyone else too. Ily /p no matter what.

So i don't really know what this is gonna be, but- consider this an sbi + tubbo and ranboo oneshot, and ye.

Okay bye i'll start ✌

Ranboo's POV:

I woke up from my deep nightmarish sleep to Tubbo yelling my name. I sigh and look at the alarm clock on my bedside table. 7:49AM


I'm tired, but force myself to sit ip as I already smell the pancake scent wafting up the stairs.

I head down after throwing on a red hoodie, some black sweatpants and black shoes.

''Hey Phillll'' I say, dragging out the L.

I get several ''hey''s and tired ''morning''s in return.

I sit at the table next to Tommy and Tubbo. Wilbur is sitting opposite me and Phil at the head of the table.

''TECHNO! COME ON BUD THAT'S THE THIRD TIME-'' Phil didn't even have to finish the sentence before Technoblade appeared on the stairs.

He was wearing his usual crown, his pink hair tied back in a simple bun, a pink hoodie and black sweats as well.

I didn't have to ask before Phil did:
''Slept well?'' All he got back was a headshake.

Techno joined us at the table, sitting next to Wilbur, and started putting pieces of buttery pancakes in his mouth, scorlling through his phone.

Wilbur soon took out his, and eventually the three eldest were scrolling while the three youngest, aka me Tubbo and Tommy, discussed our plans for the day.

''We could go on a hike near the mountain!'' Tubbo suggested (btw they don't live in L'manberg or anything, not even on the dsmp, this is a human irl au but with dream smpish twists.)

I shook my head. ''Maybe not Tubbs, we could get lost.''
''I am a human compass''

Techno looked up from his twitter and snorted.

''Tubbo, you can't find your way to the bathroom in the dark if it weren't for google maps.'' Techno deadpanned.

I facepalmed, and turned to Tommy, who was being unnusually quiet considering he's always the loudest.

''What say you, Tomathy?'' He glared at me for the nickname, but answered what I was hoping to hear

''Well, how about we go near the abandoned village? We could take some lunch with us, and have a picnic on the roof of the Mansion.

I nodded enthusiastically, and Tubbo did the same.

Phil looked up and cleared his throat to get our attention
'' I wouldn't mind boys, but you're packing your own lunch. I promised Techno I'd train with him.''

Techno looked at us with a smug smirk, and of course, Tommy immediately retorted with a stream of swears that would have made BadBoyHalo faint.

''Oh, and you go in the afternoon.''

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