Bench Villains

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Hi! I am here after a short break of NO INTERNET

Cover by SAD-ist on Twitter.

This is inspired by @AJ_is_Anxious , creds to them and the book titled RaccoonInnit is Pog at villainy. So go check it out, it's a great story :)

''Innit, do you read me?"

"All clear, Bee!"

Tommy, or better known in his villain form as Innit, jumped atop of another building as he attempted to escape his pursuers. 

He had just robbed a bank, but then he had only wanted the cash, he hadn't meant to bump into the number one hero of the city, Dream. 

"Innit, you're surrounded! Surrender and we won't hurt you. Now, hands in the air where I can see them." Dream said, aiming his sword Nightmare at Tommy's throat. 

Tommy's mind raced, debating various escape options. He could send a secret ender message to Boo, and have him rescue him with his teleportation.

Or he could smash a color bomb.


He grinned coming up with a good plan. 

He slowly turned to face Sapnap, and stared right into his eyes, not blinking. The latter, unnerved, looked away.

 Dream glared at him. "HE'S A KID YOU IDIOT, JUST ARREST HIM!"

In that split second where the hero looked away, he sank a Poisonous Bee Sting into NootFound's calf, and watched him crumple with a victorious grin.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" Dream yelled, frantically searching his pockets for handcuffs.

Tommy fingered them in his pocket. He had previously nicked them, having fingers just built for thievery.

"Yo, Sappy Nappy, tell Dream to calm down and that his boyfriend's fine" He teased, pleased with how mad he was making them all.

"just wait till I get my hands on you, you little shit!" Sapnap growled, his hands starting to smoke as he created fire in his fists.

Tommy grinned as he threw the color bomb down. It rang for a bit, making Dream and Sapnap groan, then exploded in a flash and bang, emitting multicolored smoke. 

Now smiling widely, he threw a slimeball down on the floor at the trio's feet, and watched the two standing ones struggle to get up, still blinded by smoke.

Chaos. His favorite.

"Bee, got them both out of battle. Send Boo to help me carry the loot."


A moment later in a cloud of purple and black particles, Tommy's close friend Ranboo appeared out of thin air.

"Here, take those, the color bomb is nearly done." Tommy said, tossing a bag of cash to Ranboo. Then they held hands and disappeared. They reappeared moments later at their secret hideout. Tommy and Ranboo quickly changed out of their villain outfit and turned back into normal teens.

They tossed the cash to Tubbo, who looked delighted at the amount provided by the oh so kind bank.

Then they settled down and rewatched footage of the chase, broadcasted live on TV at 9 o'clock news. 

They laughed their asses off when they got to the part of Dream frantically wiping slime off of himself, cursing at the drone recording everything, all while yelling at Sapnap to shut the fuck up and revive NootFound and blushing at the humiliation of it all.

Meanwhile, in their Hero's apartment, the Dream Team was fuming. Innit had gotten away with the third crime this week, the first two consisting of blowing up a soda factory and coating three whole buildings in fresh honey.

They sat and rewatched footage as well, grumbling incoherently. They tried to find any hints to Innit's true identity, but to no luck.

They certainly didn't expect the three troublesome villains to be a normal teen trio, now eating popcorn and having a wild games night.


I wrote this while waiting for my dentist's appointment. SO excuse any mistakes please.

Also, when I first started this book, I was so happy when it got to just 20 reads. Now, we're nearly at 500! Thank you guys so much, you have no idea how much this all means to me.

I'm so happy with the outcome of this story, sure the first few chapters are borderline cringe, but- 

They get better along the way! 

Go, drink water, eat something (If you're not reading this at 1am like I do), and sleep well, take care of yourselves because you matter!

Ily all and thanks again for the support. Stay safe <3

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