Fostered 2/?

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Okay this is the next chapter in Orphans but I named it Fostered because I can :)

Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH PPL FOR 897 READS like seriously you're all awesome :DDD
When I started writing I was impressed when I reached just 20 reads, and now I'm nearly at 1k! So, I take this moment to ANNOUNCE SOMETHING

I will make cookies at 1k reads and you will all get one lmao.
I usually don't bake or cook whatsoever, so yee.

Also, I'm at 16 followers which is pog, HELP ME GET TO MORE (pwease) and I'll do a Q&A at 50 followers, a hand reveal at 100, and a face reveal at 1k.

So yes. Go GIVE THE FOLLOW BUTTON A BOOP. And you will get a shoutout :D

On with the story you're probably tired of me by now.

TW: will include nothing but a sleep deprived author. ✌

Third person POV:

Tommy groaned as he rested his head on the back of his chair. He was still sore from yesterday but was getting better thanks to Tubbo and Ranboo's nursing.

Now he was just trying to sit Science out.

''THOMAS!'' The teacher suddenly shouted.

''Yes ma'am?'' He hurried to answer, scared of detention.

''Name 7 different minerals. Now.

Yup, Tommy hated Science.


The teacher shook her head, not bothering to say whether it was correct or not.

Tommy tried hard not to roll his eyes, nd looked over to Ranboo who was sitting at the back of the class, being the tallest kid, and Tubbo at the front being among the shortest.  Tubbo was apparently dozing off, he must not have had much sleep yesterday.

Ranboo was doodling. His tongue was poking out a bit, something ither kids constantly teased him for.

He looked up, sensing someone's eye on him, and grinned at Tommy.

Tom grinned back, and made a small gesture with his hands. Class done in 5.

Cool. Ranboo signed back.

The bell finally rang, but of course the teacher had to use a famous catchphrase.

''The bell is a signal for me, not you. I dissmiss the class.'' And then made them sit for another 10 minutes.

So by the time the three boys reached the cafeteria, it was already packed with hungry kids.

After the last three periods, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo made their way back to the orphanage. Apparently a family was looking for kids to foster, and the guardian of the orphanage wanted everyone present so the family could pick

(Lol something I hate about orphanages, that you feel like an item in the store waiting to be picked and taken home ;-;)

They walked in and groaned. Mike and Jane were there. They were by far the most annoying kids, and while they didn't use physical force to torment others, they loved names and weird jokes.

Which made them annoying.

''Alright there you sorry bastards, in a ring around the table. The Minecraft family will be here soon.'' The guardian said.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

The three would admit that they were nervous. They had never been fostered before, so the mere idea kinda creeped them out.

''Hello, kids. My name is Philza. These are my two adopted sons. I would adopt more, so- anyome wishing to meet us more?'' The so called Philza asked. He wore a green and white striped bucket hat, and a green robe. His two sons- adoptive sons- whatever. Were slightly taller than him, but behind Philza.

A few kids raised their hands. Philza picked then all in turn and were led towards a room where they would talk and see if they were a good fit.

Tommy played rock paper scissors with Tubbo, and Ranboo looked through a book he had found on a park bench.
Finders keepers.

Phil emerged from the room for the 6th time, and approached them.

''Hey, you wanna talk, kiddos?" He asked. He looked sympathetic but the three were still wary. Sympathetic faces are the most dangerous.

''Sure.'' Tubbo, the most sociable, got up and walked towards the room. Tommy and Ranboo, not wanting to be left behind, followed. A few snickers were heard as they walked, and one kid said:

''Bruh who'd want you idiots?''

But Phil kept walking, followed by his sons.

''Alright. So, I'm Philza, but you can call me Phil. This is Wilbur-" he said, pointing to a teen in a yellow sweater, a red beanie and glasses.
''He was adopted first, 6 years ago.''

Tommy nodded, and Tubbo smiled.

''And this is Techno, he was adopted 1 year after Will. They are both good kids.''

Techno was a teen who looked a bit younger than Wilbur, despite being taller. He had pink hair braided back in a simple pigtail, and wore a red hoodie (I think techno in a cape is awesome, but not here. Hoodies are better, forgive me.)

''Okay. Hi!'' Tubbo said, acting cheerful.

''You might not want to be fostered, but you seem like good kids. I have experience with this, and fostering kids is cool. Do you wanna give it a try?''

''Yeah. Phil is a good dad. And we would be good brothers.'' The deep monotonous voice made Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo jump. It came from Techno, though how he could have such a deep voice was a mystery.

Tommy looked at Tubbo. Tubbo looked at Ranboo. They silently agreed they would give themselves a chance. If anything went wrong, they could always run away.

''Alright. Let's try.''

Okay that's it! For now. Pride month is coming soon and I must admit I'm very nervous. I will come out to you guys because you're awesome, but promise not to let anyone bully you or give you a hard time for having a different sexuality. Homophobes suck okay?

Ily all so much /p ofc. And stay hydrated, you are beautiful, have a cookie.

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