Among Us AU 3/5

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Extra long and angsty chapter for you all pog!

///TW: Panic attacks, death, blood, slight gore, corpses and suicide thoughts///

Tommy's POV:

(I'm lazy and don't want to copy the last words from last chapter SO..... I'll explain it myself! Yeah Sam is gonna join them and the DSMPAC leader is eating dinner :)

"I'm tireeeed"

Tubbo was nagging and Ranboo was reading a book and I was BORED.
I had done all my tasks for today and I was just chilling in the cafeteria drinking coke.

Someone screamed at me. I look up to see Purpled running towards me and holding a paper.

"Wait where?" I ask confused, airlock was on and no-one should be able to open the ship doors at all.

"Here! They're opening airlock for half a second to let that Sam guy in." 

 I made my way to the door. I saw a man in his twenties, with green hair just as described. I just observed from afar. I had long since learned that being compulsive led to trouble, and it was best to watch and see where it was going. 

I stared into his emerald eyes, and he stared back. An unfamiliar feeling ran down my spine but I had to ignore it as Awesamdude came nearer and shook my hand. The moment had passed and I relaxed a bit. 

"Hello TommyInnit! I'm Sam! How are you doing? I heard about Dream and I'm sorry you had to experience that. At least you are okay though!" I wasn't really listening, my eyes wandered around the lobby and I noticed Sapnap glaring daggers at Sam. Maybe some childhood grudge or something? 

I led him around the ship, showing him various rooms and the cabin he would be sharing with Purpled. He seemed glad to not be sleeping alone and I couldn't really blame him, I had Tubbo and Ranboo and even though Tubbs snored all night it was still comforting knowing they would be there specially since the Dream incident.

We had free time and Sam just sat in the cockpit. He seemed to love anything electrical, and when I asked him about it he said he used to work full time with redstone designing complicated machines, but then got employed at the astronomy center at his father's orders.

I walked to the lobby which was really the only place with comfortable seats. Purpled had taken out his Communicator and was playing Pac-Man with a slightly grumpy look on his face, and Eret was painting his nails rainbow. The only other people in the room were George and Sapnap who were deep in a serious sounding conversation.

"It can't be him I saw! He was blonde!"

I caught snatches of their conversation and from what I could make out they were discussing who might be the imposter. It disturbed me ever so slightly because I had blonde hair, but it didn't particularly matter at the moment. I kept my head down as I walked in, and sat myself down to write in my book. I was also keeping track of what everyone was doing, trying to figure it out. Every time I went to the bathroom I remembered Dream and how he had wanted to tell me something important, and never got the chance to.

There was something very fishy going on and I didn't like it.

Time skip 6 hours

It was now dusk, not that we could tell. Just, my watch told me so. I missed the sun, and flowers that were kept alive by proper air, not just tanked oxygen. And grass. I remember how we used to lie in it, Tubbo and I, breathing in sweetly scented air and trying not to inhale all the pollen from flowers Tubbo shoved up my nose. It was nice times, until I got picked to go on this supposed "Scientific Trip to Wonder".

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