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Hi everyone! So, nobody commented on last chapter, so I'm gonna say something, and I mean it in the nicest way possible.


Oh well. I had to decide and it's ChickenInnit for you :]

//TW will include: Slightly toxic relationships (Father-son), drinking, swearing, umm forcing a kid to do the dishes does this count as child labor//

So... yeah enjoy it's gonna be in third person.

Third POV:

Tubbo was a child like all others, he lived in a family of 3 children with their father, Jschlatt, a well known politician.
Tubbo always liked animals, specially bees, he had a way with them.

One day he decided to go play in the fields, near a little river that flowed through L' NonBinaryBerg (Bear with me)

"dad! I'm going out!" The small child yelled as he walked out of the door.

"Yeah, whatever! Just be back home to do your homework!" His father was always a bit toxic when drunk, luckily he wasn't now. When he was, Tubbo steered clear of him.

"Hey, can I come too?" His younger brother Ranboo, though much taller, had joined him at the doorstep.

Tubbo nodded in agreement, and decided against asking Michael, his youngest brother,  to come too, as he was taking a nap.

The two brothers walked through the empty streets of the city, and arrived at Tubbo's wanted destination. It was a field with plenty of flowers, and grass, and bees.

Tubbo flopped down on the grass, the taller male following suit, sniffing appreciatively at the flowers, the alliums specially.

*Cluck Cluck* (Look idk how to write down a chicken noise)

Tubbo's head shot up, and he looked around trying to find out were the noise came from. He knew Michael always wanted a chicken, so he thought catching one would make him happy.

Ranboo totally ignored it though, so Tubbo made sure to glare at him before getting up to look around more. He found it drinking from a puddle.

It was a- special chicken. It had a blonde crest instead of red, and little red markings on the top part of it's wings. Totally adorable, in Tubbo's opinion.

He picked it up, it struggled a bit, before becoming heavy. Tubbo looked down and yelled in shock, where there was a dropped chicken now lay a small blonde with an extremely pissed off look.


"All I could see was a chicken, sorry. Who are you?"

"You're the one that just picked me up! Then dropped me!"

"I'm Tubbo.'' he answered, exasperated by the boy's lack of compliance.

"Tommy." The boy answered gruffly.

"Come, let's play a prank on my brother, so he can get to meet you" Tubbo asked, trying to make friends.

Tommy's face lit up, previously being sullen and annoyed. He was obviously a prank lover.

The prank consisted of showing Ranboo the chicken, then it transforming into Tommy, so he would get a good scare.

"AAAHHH!!!!" Ranboo yelled upon being tricked. Then he flopped down on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

Seemingly. The moment he "fainted", Tubbo ran up to him, muttering swears under his breath. He bent down next to Ranboo, only to have him shoot up, grab him, and tackle him to the ground.



Tommy rolled around laughing, until Ranboo raised an eyebrow and asked, "So who the fuck are you then?"
Tommy didn't seem offended by the swear, in fact he answered with slightly more creativity, adding a bunch of other swears that I will refrain from naming.

By the time they reached home, Tommy had told the two siblings about his chicken ability, and how he could transform into one at will. Neither one of the brothers found this remotely boring, they were very interested, responding with facts about them themselves.

They reached home, and were greeted by a fuming and obviously drunk Jschlatt. Tommy, who had taken chicken form in Tubbo's arms, quivered, being towered upon by a seeming monster.


Tubbo hastily proceeded to answer, then got yanked by the arm to do the dishes left over from lunch. Michael ran downstairs to see the source of the noise, and his eyes opened wide at seeing Tubbo being slapped around like that.

Ranboo ran over, covered his little brothers eyes and led him away, before being yanked himself to dust the house.

Michael ran back to his room, and hid under the covers until he was called back by Tubbo, who showed him the chicken.

Michael was delighted, and thanked both his brothers profusely, before cuddling his chicken. 

Even though you couldn't really tell, Tubbo figured the ''chicken'' was glaring at him, and clucked offended.

Later, when Michael was helped with his homework by Tubbo and Ranboo, Tommy was left to run around the house, and the three siblings were then called down to dinner by a very hungover Jschlatt.

"I made roast for Sunday lunch!"

On the tray lay a perfectly brown, sizzling roasted chicken.



sorry about that! You can consider the chicken anyone, it could be tommy, or another random chicken.

Have a great one, eat well, sleep well, stay hydrated, you are all beautiful, and deserve respect from the world.

See you next chapter! 


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