Bench Trio Incorrect Quotes

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Art not mine belongs to Lucler_Lucifer on  Youtube.

Tommy: Hey Tubbo do a goat bleat!
Tubbo: No. Never in your dreams. *Looks away*
Ranboo: *Interested*
Tubbo: BAaaaAaAA *blush*


Techno: Hey Tommy what's the difference between an apple and an orphan?
Tommy: What?
Ranboo: *eye roll* Here we go again.
Techno: An apple gets picked!
Tommy (Orphan au): *sniffle* FUCK YOU TECHNOBLADE!!!!


Tommy: *frantically dancing to "spooky scary skeletons"*
Tubbo: *Trick or treating while cutely twitching his goat ears*
Ranboo, who's in Enderwalk: *terrorizing toddlers*
Techno: *Fighting Dream and winning*
Tubbo: *Ate too much candy and is on sugar rush, bouncing off walls*
Philza: *Tying to stop them all*
Wilbur: *Observing the scene safe at home* This is nice Philza isn't it?


Tommy: I can spell nearly anything! Tubbo can't because he's a dyslexic sheep hahaha!
Tubbo: I'm a goat dipshit not a sheep! And I can spell just as well as you!
Tommy: *disbelieving* Fine. Spell something. Anything.
Tubbo: F-U-C-K  Y-O-U. Fuck you ^v^
Philza: Well done! Gold star!
Tommy: *Speechless*


Ranboo: Michael look who came to visit you! *points at Tommy standing in the doorway*
Michael: Yay! It's Mom!
Ranboo: *aww so cute* Heh-heh it's Tom not mom.
Tommy: *points to his mouth and articulates* T-O-M, TOM!
Michael: MOM! MOM!
Tubbo: *dying of laughing fits*
Tommy: Fuck you child.
Ranboo: *sees red* You're a child as well Tommy and also...
<Server>: [TommyInnit was slain by Ranboo]
Tubbo: *Still laughing*


SO Tommy already died here

Michael: I picked you a flower Daddy! *Shows him allium in his palm*
Ranboo: .... 
Michael: *a bit confused* Is it nice?
Ranboo: *Hurriedly wipes tears* It is nice Michael! Uncle Mom- I mean Tom- would have liked it a lot!
(that sounds weird ik but just yes.)


Red Banquet:
Tommy: The Egg smells like cough syrup!
Tubbo: *crying bc of the Egg*
Chat: *going insane about Sam whispering "You look so beautiful"*
Tommy: No I swear it smells like cough syrup come smell it Tubbo!
Tubbo: AHAHaaaaaAAAAaaaa TwT
Ranboo: It smells like my great-grandfather's socks!
Ranbob's spirit: Fuck you great-grandchild.
      *Sam, Puffy, Bad, Hannah, Ant and Foolish all fighting in the background*

(I'm not sure if that's actually canon but I read it somewhere, the Egg smelling of cough syrup)


Bench Trio at a family gathering:

Tubbo: *The one making lame jokes and trying to get people to laugh
Ranboo: *Tall*  **Everyone standing on tiptoe trying to look taller bc intimidated by how tall he is**
Tommy: *Swearing when he spills gravy on his T-shirt*
Also Tommy: *Sings swear word song of his invention for the entertainment of Dream Team*
BadBoyHalo: LANGUAGE!!!! (Poor Bad he grew horse of yelling at Tommy at the end :)


Remember to all eat and drink today, get some good sleep and have a good day/afternoon/night.

I'll definitely make more incorrect quotes they're really fun to come up with.
Ily all stay safe <3

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