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first off my PC glitched and didn't let me write AT ALL 

First off my PC got busted and didn't let me publish anything. So sory about that.

Secondly, thank  you @LunexIsLost and @brinta18 for the follows, it means the world to me!

Anyways, I'm kinda out of ideas for this book, but I wanna write more so ideas, anyone?

You know the drill, I accept ANY requests EXCEPT smut, extreme gore, underage stuff and minor shipping / ships that people are uncomfortable with.

Now this chapter the bench trio find out Karl's a time traveler, and go in the portal with him by accident (kinda)

Third POV:

It was 2:45 PM, 

The bench trio was hard at work training for MCC, which was upcoming in the next week, so they were practicing anything from parkour to PVP.

"Ugh Ranboo how are you so good at this?" Tubbo yelled in frustration after being beaten at Parkour for the 7th time.

"Well, teleportation does help in this case, but I doubt the admins will allow it" Ranboo acknowledged sadly.

The trio allowed themselves a little break after that, promising themselves to PVP more later. 

"Ack not the water Tommy!" Ranboo screamed, when the raccoon attempted to wipe his sweaty face on Ranboo's shirt. 

"Well I'm booooored" Tommy drawled, letting his gaze wonder to the edge of the woods.

"Wait, guys, what even is that? It looks like a Nether portal, but yellow!" The boy suddenly shouted.

"Let's check it out, race you there!' Tubbo said before running towards the portal. Tommy followed quickly after, but Ranboo nonchalantly walked towards it, and when Tubbo was right about to get there, he teleported, before yelling; "I win!"

Tubbo proceeded to playfully smack Ranboo's shoulder, which was the highest bit of him he could reach.

They looked into the portal, but couldn't really see through it. They debated whether or not to go in, when Tommy said he would, just because he was bored and wanted something to do.

Tubbo and Ranboo quickly followed after exchanging a glance.

They were greeted by a strange land. It was a pretty white castle, with red vines snaking all round it's various towers.

They could hear music coming from the inside, and walked closer to the castle.

As they neared the door, they found it unlocked, so pushed their way inside and observed the people around them. They were all wearing a masquerade mask of some sort.

Someone looked a lot like Techno. He had pink hair and tusks, and a masquerade mask that hid his face.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Tommy's shoulder.

"What are you doing here!?" A bewildered and familiar voice said.


"You have to leave, come with me!" He didn't say anything else, just steered them outside and then tapped his funny little watch.

"Karl, what-"

"I've been here a lot, and died once. You are in the past. You can't stay. This is where the Egg started. It's dangerous. Leave please-"

"Karl slow down whatt???" Tommy asked, somewhat alarmed by the man's desperation.

"Tommy I can't explain it all now. Trust me okay? I don't want to see more friends hurt."

And Karl's watch zapped a portal, the same color as the one they previously saw, and pushed the trio in.

"What, the fuck, was that?" Was the first thing Tommy said when he caught his breath.

"He's a time traveler. I didn;t know those still existed." Ranboo said, thoughtful.

"What was that about friends dying?"

"I don't know Tubbo. We have to talk to him though."

WOOOO thanks again for the follows, anyone who isn't, please consider following (It's free and you can always change your mind)

And vote and comment bc i'm desperate.

sleep well eat well u deserve it, ily all <3

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