Fostered 3/4

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Song: Turn Back Time, by Derivakat. Fanart by me above ^^

Okay so umm it's 4am while I'm writing this but I have no internet TwT so I'm just gonna publish it in the morning-

Also random thing but like I'm going to start posting the name of a random song on my playlist with some fanart about it ^^ (or like kinda the same subject)

Bear in mind that like- most of them are Derivakat, CG5 or Lovejoy lol...

Okay let's start TW: self harm, intrusive thoughts, blood, bandages.
That should be it let me know if there's more :)

Ranboo POV:

We walked out of the orphanage after doing some paperwork, I said goodbye to my favorite Caretaker Miss Puffy, and grabbed my backpack to go.

I only owned a few things, I had my headphones, phone, a few sets of clothes, my favorite book about Endermen and- a razor.

I just hoped that the new family will be alright and not just pretending to be nice, while really wanting to hurt us.

I glanced at Tommy. He looked excited, he's more trusting than me.

Tubbo was practically bouncing up and down, muttering ''omg it's happening omg yess aaa'' under his breath.

''Well, ready to go, kids?'' Phil asked, gesturing towards the door.

I nodded, and made my way out. It had been quite a while since any of us had gotten out of the orphanage for something other than school.

''Right there!'' Wilbur pointed to a minivan parked in a parking lot after Tommy asked how we were going to get back.

''Our house is 4 miles from here. So it will take us about 1 hour to get back'' (lol idk how car mileage works sry)

Phil drove, Wilbur sat in front, Tubbo, Tommy amd I sat side by side in the back and Techno sat in the trunk.

''You know I can sit there Twchno you don't have to change your seating arrangement to suit us'' I said, looking at his pink figure leaning on the back of the car.

''No worries, I always sit here whether there is enough room for me somewhere else or not'' he said in his usual monotone voice.

I wonder why he'd want to sit in the back every time.
Maybe he just liked to have a safe distance between himself and others, even his family.

He always seems kind of- wary around everyone I noticed, like he learned not to trust anyone.

Well I learned that too, but not to that extent.

After a while I zoned out, I put my headphones in after Tommy started a heated discussion with Tubbo and Will about which ice cream flavor was the best.

''I'm telling you, it's strawberry!'' Tommy said, glaring at Wiobur, who insisted that the best flavor was cookies and cream.

Tubbo just muttered: ''you're all crazy. Honey is the best flavor because bEeS.''

''We're here!'' Phil said, snapping me out of my dark thoughts. I glanced out of the window and stifled a gasp.

The place was huge! There were two floors, a garden, the roof looked awesome mainly because I loved sitting on roofs at night, and small woods behind the house.

Phil chuckled, seeing I wasn't the only one awestruck. Tommy had his mouth hanging open and Tubbo looked even more excited than he did before.

''Close your mouth Tomathy, you are not a codfish.'' I teased, using a Mary Poppins reference. He glared at me.

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