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trigger Warnings: f-slur, r-slur, kinda lgbtq, panic attack.

Okay so this isn't a chapter more of a speech (PLEASE READ IT)


ya'll see my pfp right? 


Now most people find that cringe, okay i accept that. My friend made me this profile pic, and I thought it was cool and kept it.

I specifically wrote my age in the bio, for flip's sake I'm not even 14 yet, 


Someone, who will remain unnamed, 

called me, a minor

"A retarded gay faggot"

Because I have a gacha pfp.

I'm a minor people. Please respect that. And even if I wasn't, you don't go calling people that!

If you're reading this, ********, you sent me into a panic attack. And I'm very upset.

And for all of you who respect and support me, and others as well, thank you, you are one of the few people who, nowadays, are good people.

Thank you for reading, please don't do this to anyone.

And also please don't pity me I don't need pity.

Just respect for flip's sake.

Ily all, take care of yourself, and I'll post another proper chapter later (maybe)

But definitely on my headcannon book.

Thank you all,


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