Among Us AU 2/?

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First off I want to apologize for not updating, I'm not doing well both mentally and physically and I got sick 2 days ago and had 0 energy. I'm sorry okay! Ily if you're not too mad ;-;

Also I'm not a professional writer and these don't come to me that easily, I always have the feeling that whatever I write already exists and that I'm copying someone else.


"Hello Tommy. I was hoping we'd come face to face at some point. Alone. In the dark. What brings you here?"

"Fuck off Green Man. It's way past your bedtime." I thought if I played it badass he would leave me alone, or better still, be intimidated.

But he came closer to me, ever closer, inching his freckled face so it was right in front of mine.

"We all know that TommyInnit is a scaredy-cat. Heck you nearly shit yourself when I came up behind you!"

He was so close now, I could feel his breathing, slow and calm. W-What the fuck was he trying to do?

The last thing I remember is hearing someone shout, a victory cry uttered as a shadowy figure flung a small green ball at the floor. It burst and set off gas. I felt myself getting lightheaded, then fainted. I didn't know who did it. It might have been Dream, but I didn't have any energy to think.

The world went dark, and my spinning body was falling through it.


"He's really lucky to be alive"

"Heck he could have died! No idea who did it?"

"No one was watching, I should have gone with him!"

Ranboo's somewhat desperate voice rang out. The voices seemed slurred, I couldn't hear them well, let alone make sense of them. It seemed to me though, judging by the soft blanket neatly tucked in around my body, that I was in the Medbay. 

Then I remembered the last few hours, or had it been days? 
The shout
The green gas
And the fact that Dream was the only one around at the time


I shot out of bed, and was immediately greeted with the shocked faces of every single crewmate, at least I think, and a very painful headache.

"Tommy! You're awake!" I registered the tears sliding down Tubbo's face and the incredibly relieved look on everyone else's. 

"What happened? How long was I out? Where's Dream? He was with me wh-"

"Tommy- I umm..."


Everyone's silent glances at one another told me that something wasn't quite right. "WELL?"

"OKAY CALM DOWN! So... You were knocked out by that gas, you've been asleep for nearly 24 hours, and yeah."

"Okay, but Dream was with me and I'm pretty sure he did it!"

George sniffed and Sapnap dug his fists in his eyes under pretense of itching his eyebrows. Oh no. If Sapnap was crying at the mention of his best friend's name, that could only mean that-

"Tommy, he's dead. Dream's dead. We found him near you, not breathing, whereas where you were just out cold."

W-What? Dream's gone? But... He was with me... he had been acting weird and I assumed he was infected, but the impostor murdered him? I mean how? He doesn't strike me as the type of guy who goes down without a fight...

"It was most probably the gas. If he was attacked it weakened him and didn't let him fight back. Worst of all, his body doesn't show any sign as to how he died. It might have been murder, but we'll never know..."

George had openly started sobbing now, and Sapnap was just sitting there oblivious to everything and everyone around him. That must be hard on them both, with Dream gone. They were a whole, the three, but now a third is missing. I can't imagine losing Tubbo or Ranboo. And I won't even try to.

"How are you feeling though Tommy?"

Truth was, my head hurts. I felt dizzy and nauseous, hot and cold at the same time, and my limbs felt like lead. 

Lie was, "I'm fine!"

And that's how I got let off and continued to do my tasks. But I couldn't stop thinking about Dream and the incident and who, WHO MIGHT IT HAVE BEEN?

Suddenly a new red message flashed in my helmet. <ASSEMBLE IN CAFETERIA>

"Team, we know you lost an important member, and we want to make up for it. We are sending our most skilled astronaut, Awesamdude. he will be joining your crew and helping as best he can. And it's impossible for him to have the virus because we already established the fact that it's impossible to transmit. He is healthy, strong and clever, and will help guide you as best he can."

Awesamdude, huh? I've seen him. He has green hair and freckles, wears green and gold armor, and simps for a certain doctor who works in the DSMPAC as well.

"Does he want to come sir?" Tubbo spoke up, slightly shy addressing such an important person but doing it all the same.

"Ummmmm- Yes, He does, oh my wife is calling me fordinnerbyegoodluck-!"

With that he hung up. Great. This Sam guy doesn't even want to come. We'll just have to wait till he does though.



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