The Meet part 2

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Fanart definitely not mine, belongs to Bbiphone6s S on Pinterest

Tommy's POV:

Ranboo had stayed with us for nearly 3 weeks now, and we had become really good friends. We weren't that similar, honestly. He was quiet, shy, and very smart, and I was loud, loved being the center of attention and never really payed much attention to anything.

I still liked him a lot, and since it was winter I had no school. Dadza was thinking of signing Ranboo into my school, so after Christmas, we would go back to 10th grade together. 

Actually, speaking of being together, where was Ranboo? I hadn't seen him in a while. Perhaps he went outside to the fields? He had a strange liking to alliums and loved sitting making flower crowns for me. I wanted to take him to meet Niki, she had heard from Wilbur that Ranboo was staying with us, and wanted to meet him.

I eventually found him sitting in a patch of dandelions, writing in a book. I didn't try to peek and see what was being written, but I put my hand on his shoulder: "Hey Big Man! I want to take you to meet a friend of ours."

He jumped up, putting the book in his pocket. I wondered what was so secret in the book, to have DO NOT READ in big red letters on the cover. However I didn't like being nosy so I simply motioned him to follow me. I texted Dad letting him know where we were going, then took Ranboo's hand, starting to run in the direction of the bakery. 

Once we got there I saw Wilbur sitting at the counter, eating a cookie and watching as Niki made bread with a slightly dazed look on his face.

"What's up, Wilby?" I teased. The old nickname I gave him when I was 3 always pissed him off. He glared at me and then noticed Ranboo. "Hey Ranboo! Niki look this is the boy you wanted to meet!"

Niki glanced up, her face slightly caked in flour and her hands sticky with dough. she surveyed the Enderboi, as I like to call him, then said: "Welcome to my bakery Ranboo! It's a pleasure to have you here, apparently you and Tommy are getting along well!"

Ranboo was shy, as I already said, and just nodded slightly: "Nice to meet you Ms. Niki!" The young baker went a bit pink at being addressed like that, and replied: "Oh just call me Niki! Do you want to taste some bread?"

We just messed around the bakery, Niki showed me how to make sourdough and Ranboo was given some cookies as well, then we left to head to the woods. Niki had given us some chocolate chips that she wanted to have delivered to Techno, and we offered to do that, since we knew where he would be.

Sure enough, once we went deep into the woods, we found a pig hybrid in the middle of training. He tends to be aggressive when using a sword and we just watched until he looked up, his face sweaty and his pink hair tangled. 'Oh hey Tommy and Ranboo! What brings you here?"

We gave him the chocolate chips from Niki and headed back home, after receiving a text from dad saying he needed help with the cows. I loved cows and Ranboo was fond of them too, specially my favorite cow Henry.

Ranboo's POV:

We were on our way home, when I suddenly heard laughing. It was the cutest laugh I had ever heard, and I gripped Tommy's arm, signaling him to stop. "Sup Enderboi?"

"Tommy did you hear that? It sounded like laughter. Can we go see?"

Tommy was always eager for adventures and discoveries, so we walked towards where we could still hear giggling. We arrived at a clearing and saw a boy who looked like he might be our age, only he was tiny and had horns on his head. I wasn't surprised, you saw a lot of Hybrids out here on the Dream SMP, but I had never seen this kid. He was petting a goat, and I figured he was probably a goat hybrid.

We walked over to him, and Tommy started asking questions straight away. "Hi I'm Thomas Minecraft what's your name?" "What he means is, we never saw you around here. I'm Ranboo by the way. Where are you from?" I added a bit embarrassed at Tommy's enthusiasm. 

"Hi Thomas! Hi Ranboo! I'm Tubbo! My Dad isn't here at the moment, he went to the bakery near here. We live on the Greater Dream SMP. That's probably why you never saw me. Nice to meet you!"

God that boy spoke so fast, and I stood trying to register all that information at once. He was, on closer inspection, not that small, just short. He was well built, had relatively broad shoulders and his horns were very tiny. I think that's because he was just a kid, his horns weren't properly formed yet.

He wore a green shirt, it was very clean, and opened wide around his neck. he had black trousers, and the goat he was petting had sat itself on Tubbo's lap. He was a cute kid and Tommy obviously thought he was interesting, he hadn't immediately rejected him as a boring person. I was warier, but eventually we became friends and promised to see each other some day again, and meet in the forest to play.

"Your name isn't really Tubbo, is it?" "Nah it's Toby, but everyone calls me Tubbo." I sat listening to Tommy and Toby discussing random things, joining in every now and then. Then a man in a black suit, a very elegant one actually, came and yelled: "TUBBO IT"S TIME TO GO HOME. YOU CAN SEE YOUR FRIENDS LATER. TAKE THEIR NUMBER MAYBE?"

We exchanged numbers and promised to see each other again soon. "BYE TOMMY AND RANBOO! <3" We waved goodbye to Tubbo and his dad, then headed home ourselves. It was getting late, and we didn't want Phil worrying about us. 

Philza's POV:

I heard the front door open, and looked up from my cooking to see Tommy and Ranboo walk in greeting me with approving sniffs at the smells of stew in the kitchen. "Hey kids, please wash up and get ready for dinner, then call Techno, he's in his room reading I think."

They stormed off, being a bit loud, but I didn't mind. I was glad that Tommy finally had a friend, and Techno and Will seemed to like Ranboo as well. As I finished setting plates on the table, I heard them come back downstairs, and peeked into the living room to see Wilbur on his guitar, singing something I had never heard before. It seemed to be something of his own creation and I resolved to ask him about it later. 

After dinner I shooed the kids to bed, and stayed up with Wil and Techno. Wilbur, who had indeed been composing a song, sang it to me, and Techno told him about the boy Ranboo told him about when they called him down for dinner. I knew Toby's father was a very ambitious man, and always dressed properly. 

"Hey, Techno? Jschlatt's son, he's a sheep hybrid like him right?" "No it's goat. Why?" "Nah was just wondering. Tommy never showed a sign of being a hybrid like any of us. Actually he doesn't know I'm a hybrid yet." 

Wilbur looked up surprised: "Wait you never told him?" I shook my head. Then we decided to head to bed as well. I'll text Jschlatt in the morning, and see if he wanted to arrange something to meet up. The kids seem to bond a lot. 

Hey guys! (Gender neutral term) Thank you all so much I'm already getting more reads than I expected. Remember to drink water and sleep well! <3

Have a good day/afternoon/night!

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