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Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well, I've had internet problems and couldn't wri- *gasp* *faints* HOLY CRAP 1.05K READS? OH MY GOD!
now i have to make cookies and i hate baking -_-

But honestly it's worth it :DDDDDD
So umm- *sees 2 new followers* *dies all over again* THANK YOU SO MUCH @rtiteta51  and  Mark71291

Ily all so much :)))))

Umm idk where this chapter's going and my phone's about to die ;-;

Ranboo's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I hadn't shut the curtains, like the idiot i am....

I groaned as I rested my head on my knees, bringing them tight to my chest. What day even is it?

I walk down the stairs of my little base (i have no idea what ranboo's base looks like now so just imagine it a wooden and stone base with two floors and a basement or smth idc)

I serve a bowl of cereal and slowly chew it, staring out of the window.

The sun was nearly fully in the sky, and I had also no idea what time it was.

So instead I texted Tommy.

Ranboo: hey tommy! What are you doing?

Tommy: Hey big man! Nothing actually just annoying techno >:)

I rolled my eyes and sent another dm

Ranboo: Okay well you wanna come over?

Tommy: Sure let me just get my bag :)

So I got up and went to sear my clothes.  Normal purple hoodie, and jeans.

Tommy showed up 10 minutes later, but I was confused.

''Hey Toms! What are you doing here?'' I asked

''What? You literally invited me over ten minutes ago" Tommy replied, a confused look spreading across him face as well.


I moved so Tommycould come in, and we played Uno before I suddenly asked:

''Wait what's the point of this game?''

(I'm losing motivation fast help me ;-;)

''What? Okay you're being weird.''

Then I remembered that endermen had memory problems, something I had forgotten (that makes zero sense...)

So i profusely apologized and we continued playing.

Okay I didn't even make it to 500 words, and I'm including the intro, so... sorry ;-;

I'm gonna make cookies soon tho, and share them with you. You deserve a virtual cookies because you are beautiful (author be looking at you, self deprecating ppl)

So yee. I'm tired. But i have a parkour session for 1 hour so i can't nap ;-;

Yea i do parkour and advanced gymnastics. Go do physical activity too to stay fit my friends and i will see you because i have probably bored the shit out of you...

Bai <333

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