The BI King

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Art belongs to Ash_W1llow on Pinterest :)


Hello all! I'm so happy how well this book is doing ty all so much! Just so you know, I won't be following any timeline or anything. Just random stories, and if anything is important in the time I'll write it. Stories will be short don't expect anything fabulous. Remember I'm still new to writing! I'll also make AUs cus I like them :]

Thank you all again!

Tw: swearing (Tommy needs to swear more I'm sorry ;)

Tubbo's POV:


We were having a water fight, with no water. Ranboo couldn't go near it because of his enderman nature. So we were just putting milk in water guns.

So milk fight. I watched as Ranboo got sprayed all over with the white liquid, squealing in annoyance as Tommy showered us with milk for the fourth time. We were having loads of fun, and Wilbur said he might join us later as well.

We were in the flower fields near the Greater Dream SMP. There were plenty of cows, and Tommy kept getting distracted. And he yelled at me for patting a goat every now and then. There was a castle that belonged to a guy named Eret. Apparently he rarely left the castle, and always wore sunglasses.

I had never met Eret before though. He was friends with Foolish and Dream, but we never saw them either, so...

I noticed a person in the fields near us. They seemed to be watching us, but I couldn't tell because they wore strange black glasses. Familiar description...

They waved and walked over. I quickly smacked Tommy's hand to stop him from spraying that person in milk. I couldn't even tell if it was a man or woman. They wore a strawberry dress, heels, a red cloak and crown, as well as the sunglasses and they held a basket. It seemed to be full of flowers.

I stared, and Tommy did the talking. 

Tommy's POV:

Bruh that guy was definitely a man, he looked like one at least, I mean body wise. Then why the fuck was he wearing a dress and heels? And those sunglasses were really sus. I noticed Tubbo was staring, but didn't see anything wrong with that.

Ranboo just hovered awkwardly in the background. "Heya man! Or whatever." I went a bit pink at that, but I mean don't wear a dress if you don't want to confuse people. 

"Hello. My name is Alistair Eret. I live in this castle over there." That guy's voice was so deep! And I had definitely heard of an Eret guy before. "Is Eret your last name?" Tubbo spoke up.

"No. I don't remember my last name. Eret is my middle name and that's what people call me." Okay so a bit strange, not remembering your last name. "You must be Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo?" We all nodded. It was so weird speaking to a dude dressed that way. 

Eventually I gritted my teeth and asked: "Um sorry sir but - ahem - Why are you dressed like a woman?" He looked surprised, to say the least. 

"Oh, I would've found it obvious, but it's okay you are still young. Well, I am... Bisexual. Do you know what that means?" I shook my head no. Tubbo looked interested, but Ranboo gave a small "Oh!" Of understanding. 

"It means that he is attracted to both women and men. Lots of people are misunderstood just because they have different sexualities, I think that's disgusting. Everyone should be treated the same." Ranboo finished talking with a slightly superior but embarrassed look on his face. Eret nodded. "Yes. And as a child I was taught I could be however I wanted to be, and that's why I don't hesitate to wear dresses."

My mind was still trying to comprehend the fact that there were different sexualities, but I nodded yes. That guy was interesting! And now I understood why he had a basket of multicolored flowers, or flower crowns around his arms. He simply had a different view on life than most people and I respected that.

Ranboo's POV:

Ooooh, that guy was bisexual. Explained a lot. I was surprised Tommy didn't know what it meant, but I had expected Tubbo to be confused. His father was a very respectable man, against anything out of the ordinary. He wouldn't know anything about the LGBTQ+ community.
I was all for it, everyone deserved to be different.

"Your castle is really cool though. Wish I had one like that." I looked up at the castle and remembered the old days, back in the End. It brought back so many memories, good and bad. I looked away, and saw Tommy looking up at it with an awed look on his face. Tubbo had a point, it was really well built. 

"You should visit it sometime, I know Philza, we were friends at school. here!"

And he threw us each a flower crown. I liked it, because mine was made of alliums. Tommy's was white tulips, and Tubbo's a gold flower I had never seen before. I wore mine and looked at Tommy with a look that plainly said: "Come on wear it, be polite!"

Tubbo's POV:

We waved Eret goodbye, and thanked him again for the flower crowns, then headed to Tommy's house. We were all having a sleepover, and we had to be back by 6, Phil's orders. 

"Hey kids, had fun?" Phil greeted us with a smile, and we sat down next to Techno, who was reading a book on Greek mythology. We had passed Will on the front step of the house, playing the guitar.

Techno looked up from his book, greeted us then went back to reading. Seconds later his head shot up again and he pointed questioningly to our crowns. We explained that we had met Eret and he gave them to us. 

At dinner we argued about random things. I loved Tommy's house it was always chaos there. 

Hello readers remember to eat well, sleep well and drink water today! Have a great day/afternoon/night. Ily all <3 
Stay safe!

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