Happy birthday Sapnap and Dadza!

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Hi ^  ^

First off thank you @Anonymeows1111_  and @Coffee_joy for the follows, it means a lot to me, thank you!

Also this chapter is mainly a birthday chapter for Philza and Sapnap, so yeah if you read this (Please stop reading it tho it's cringey T^T) Happy Birthday!

Soooo yee ^-^

Third Person POV:

Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo were planning a surprise birthday party for Philza and Sapnap. In fact, the whole SMP was in on the plan, and hard at work making the party come true.

Ranboo checked his list:

- Coke, drinks and juice check.
- Birthday cake and snacks check.
-Decorations check.


Now to get Phil and Sap here without them suspecting anything. Dream got in a car, and Ranboo hopped in as well, and George and Tommy went in another car.

The plan was simple. They had to get them in a car, and take them to a surprise location, that being Dream's mansion.

Skeppy, Bad, Tubbo and Niki stayed in the mansion, preparing everything. Then the two cars split up. 

Ranboo looked out of the window, and zoned out until Dream snapped his fingers in his face. "Ranboo! We're here! Keep the act up!" Clay hissed at him.

The boy nodded, and straightened his face.

"Ayy, Phil! Here you are! Come on, we're going for that walk in the park." Dream said, his features unreadable. Philza Minecraft fell for it, and hopped in the car.

He was wearing his everyday outfit, and didn't seem to realize that Ranboo was wearing a suit (Yes I love Ranboo in a suit).

They drove in silence, until Dream turned on his Spotify and blasted Mask, vibing to the tune.


Meanwhile George and Tommy were driving in anything but silence. Tommy had recently insulted George, and now the colorblind man was swearing at him, Tommy cussing back with a smirk on his face, having  years of experience.

They arrived at Sapnap's house, and rung the doorbell. Sap had been told that they were going to eat at a restaurant. So when Sapnap got in the car, he suspected nothing until they reached a mansion.

"Hey guys, what? I thought we were going to McDonald's or something."

Tommy smirked again, but said nothing, leaving the fibs to George. "Shut up Sappy Nappy, and follow us." The blonde boy managed to suppress a laugh at the brunette's comment.

They walked to the garden, and met Ranboo, Dream and Phil. Philza had a confused look on his face, whereas Ranboo and DReam looked a bit victorious. "Hey mate, know what's going on?" The confused guy asked Sapnap. He merely shook his head no.

They walked in through the front door of the mansion, and were greeted by a "SURPRISE!" and Happy Birthday chorus from the whole of the Dream SMP.

After a while, everyone had calmed down enough. Or nearly. Wilbur was playing the guitar to the SBI, Technoblade obviously trying not to show emotion on his usually blank face as Wilbur sung Your New Boyfriend.

George was on the floor, with Dream next to him, and they were singing Mining Away, with Bad shooting reproachful glances at the pair of them every now and then.

The girls, Niki, Minx and Puffy, were madly dancing to heavy metal blasting from their EarPods. 

And the Bench Trio? They were sitting on a bench outside, watching the setting sun and ignoring the scuffle that started when Dream attempted to kiss George.


Okayy, that took waaaaaaay longer than I wanted it to, mainly because my brain refused to cooperate. 

Anyways, thanks again for everyone following, and voting as well.

Go drink some water unless it's 3 am and you're reading this (FOR SOME REASON)

And remember that you are all important and have your place in the world.

Alright bye <3

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