Among Us AU 4/5

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Short chapter because I'm tired.

Quick death count: Dream, Eret, and Tubbo are dead, Sam, Tommy, Ranboo, Sapnap, Purpled and George survive. Who do you think is the imposter?

        Also I noticed I accidentally made Wilbur flirt with Niki in the second chapter of the book and forgot they don't like to be shipped so I had to edit it -_-
And this is turning out slightly longer than I wanted, a full among us story lol ;v;

///TW death, blood, depression, mild gore and general angst :] TW///

Tommy's POV:

I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to sleep forever and then die and join Tubbo.
The reality that I eventually had to face scared me. Now I know what George and Sapnap must have felt when Dream died. Empty, lonely, and ever so sad.
"Tommy? Please listen. I know Tubbo's death crushed you but you can't sleep forever."

"Shut up Sam. You don't know what I feel. You're just a loner who doesn't have friends."
"Tommy please get up. And there's no need to be rude. Just-" I cut him off.
"No Sam. I'm staying here. I miss Tubbo."
"Okay, but you realize that your ass is exposed right? Anyone can sneak up on you then-" He drew his finger around his throat.
"All the better" I muttered under my breath.

But Sam made me get up and eat. I slouched into the kitchen and saw Ranboo being made a cup of strong tea, his seventh today. Sapnap said it would help control his feelings and reduce stress.
All it did was actually make Ranboo even more depressed.

I must admit I felt the same, but I didn't want to be a burden. I knew very well that being annoying, however sympathetic the crew was, would only lead to more trouble.

I kept my mouth shut and tried to swallow the sandwich Sam made me, but it felt and tasted like a carpet. He didn't push it though, and once he saw I had eaten my honey sandwich he didn't make me eat more.

Honey. Like Tubbo...
He loved honey. And bees. And any and all flowers. I made my way to the indoor garden, where we had buried all those we had lost. Sam opened his mouth to object, but Sapnap shook his head.
I plucked some flowers out of the ground. Poppies, cornflowers, and all differently colored tulips. I laid them at his gravestone, and leant against it, humming Cat under my breath. He had loved that disk his whole life.

Ranboo walked in, and sat himself next to me. No-one spoke, moved, or did anything to disturb the silence that settled in the garden, just listening to the birds that survived off the tanked oxygen in this blasted ship. 
I tried not to let any negative thoughts take over my already overstuffed mind.

I just sat.
Mourning my best friend.
Ranboo slid his arms around me.
 I leaned into his touch, and sighed.

Purpled walked in, so quietly that I didn't hear him at first, and only noticed him when he placed two cups of water at our feet. I looked up to thank him, but all that came out of my mouth was a hoarse sort of grunt.
He just nods though, and gives me a sad sort of smile, before exiting, leaving the garden in its initial silence once more.

Later on, as I left the garden with Ranboo, I heard a shriek that could only come from the loudest screamer here: Purpled. Ranboo and I looked at each other, then started to run towards the source of commotion. 

I froze.
There was a hooded black figure crouched over Purpled who let out a blood curdling scream as the figure slashed at him with a sword. 
He leaked purple blood (Look idk I just wanted to make it more interesting I'm tired) and struggled.
 Ranboo ran to get help and I knocked the figure aside before crouching down next to Purpled. He was panting with the effort of staying conscious, and I pressed hard on his wound like Sam had showed me once.
His blood stained my hands and I had to let go to tie up the figure with a handy rope in my pocket.

Sam came running, closely followed by Ranboo, who hadn't found either Sapnap or George.
Sam knelt by Purpled and patched him up, the latter wincing and moaning a bit.
After Purpled was sufficiently bandaged, I turned to the still hooded figure on the floor, tied up by my hands and struggling against his bounds. 

I knelt by him, and looked at Sam, who gave me a grim nod, and Ranboo, who just looked straight down at the man.

Sapnap ran in, saying he heard a scream but was busy in the storage room.
He registered Purpled lying in a pool of blood, Sam holding him up, the figure on the floor and Ranboo just awkwardly hovering there. 

Then I took a deep breath and lifted of the man's hood.

I was tired okay the chapter probably makes zero sense. Yes, I'm sorry for killing everyone off but the story must come to an end eventually UwU.

Have yourselves a good day/night and remember to drink water if you haven't already


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