Among Us AU 5/5

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Dude finally I finished the among us au... this took me ages ;u;

So ready for the last chapter?

Tommy's POV:

I lifted the hood off with trembling fingers...

Part of me didn't want to know who was behind all this bullshit, but another part already knew...

We were all here except for...


Why? Why? Why why why WHY???? It was him the whole time! He killed Tubbo, MY best friend! He killed his OWN BEST FRIEND AS WELL!!!

Dream... Dream died at the hands of his best friend. 

I don't know what came over me, but suddenly I lunged at George and attempted to strangle him with my bare hands. 

"Tommy what are you doing? Let go of him!"

"Tommy NO!"


George growled and attempted to shake me off of him, me still constricting his windpipe. Ranboo joined the fight as well, though who's side he was on was impossible to tell.

Sam got our attention by momentarily stunning us with a handy taser he found.
I glared up at him, swearing in my head.

Ranboo's eyeballs were moving around looking at us all in turn, then he lowered them slightly ashamed of his loss of temper.

Sam just looked at us, then asked George: "Why?"

"GRRR SHUT UP! IT WAS... FOR THE GREATER GOOD!" (Lol Harry Potter reference)
His eyes bulging he yelled a bunch of swear words at us, and I gladly responded with ruder ones.

But then Ranboo tased George again, and looked up at us.

"What should we do with him? Kill him? We would stoop down as low as him, murdering. Lock him up? I don't know he looks strong enough to bust himself out..."

"Keep him unconscious for now, and call the boss" Sam spoke up.

Time skip until they called the boss Mr. Tuxedo (Random dude I just made up)

"It's GeorgeNotFound sir, he's infected. What do we do?"

"You're the smartest on the crew, Sam, you figure it out. Just throw him overboard or something!"

Sapnap slightly gasped at the thought of his friend, infected or not, being thrown off a moving spaceship, and Sam recoiled at Mr. Tuxedo's coldness towards him.

My brain was still whirring. We could abandon him in space, but then we would be killers. We could imprison him...

No. I hated George. He was a terrible person and deserved to be-

"He couldn't help it. He was infected, he just lost his mind."
Sapnap looked sad, sadder then he had been lately.

Sam was silent. Mr. Tuxedo had hung up and left us to our own devices.
We have to leave him. The oxygen here is infinite, if we escape in the shuttle, we could leave him here. Send food if he eats, otherwise he dies. It's not our problem.

I told them my idea, and Sam and Ranboo seemed to like it. Purpled was hesitant, but nodded in assent. 

Sapnap argued. I could kind of understand, but it was, like George had yelled earlier, for the greater good.

We arranged it, the food system, and the oxygen forever, and escaped in the shuttle. Sapnap took forever, hugging George's still unconscious body, and left a note.

Another time skip till they landed on earth

''It's okay Sap. He'll be fine, I promise."
Sam was comforting Nick, who was crying. 

Sapnap ignored him.

We were awarded a bunch of medals, and a certificate, and condolences for our losses.

No words could make up Tubbo's loss, but I just nodded mechanically, and thanked the people who talked for their concern and kindness.

Another time skip to 5 years later (No more skips I promise)

Ranboo and I lay in the grass, among the poppies, dandelions, and alliums.

It had been 5 years since the dreaded space trip, since we lost Tubbo, and even though we moved on, we missed him every moment of the day.

I laid back against Tubbo's gravestone. I got out a flute, and started playing Cat. Tubbo's favorite disk. Ranboo soon joined me on his violin, and we just played music for Tubbo's spirit. I could almost see him bopping his head up and down to the beat.

Soon the sun started to set, and we just watched. 

It was beautiful... I laid my head against Ranboo's chest (IN A FRIEND WAY I DON'T SHIP THEM!!!)

And fell asleep.


Any ideas? I have some but I want to write something appealing to you not just what I like ^v^

Welp see you next chapter <3

Remember to get some good sleep, eat and drink if you haven't already, and do your homework (from your author who ignores it and stalls until last minute :)

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