Red Petals

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry for not uploading, it's just that motivation is a bitch and I have 0 time to even write. I got grounded for over 2 months and couldn't upload anything, and no gaming at all which killed me.

I won't be uploading as often anymore. I've seen a lot of Wattpad writers keep uploading random stuff every now and then, but not actual stories, and I don't really like that because it's hard to find a proper chapter in them.

So I won't be doing that, anytime you get a notification that I have uploaded, you can be sure it's a proper chapter and not just me posting a meme or something.

I hit 30 followers which is just awesome, it''s not much but it still means a lot to me, so shoutout to





For the follows, I'm actually really grateful that I'm being supported a bit.

Again, I'm sorry for not uploading much, and when I logged in today I had 99+ notifications, so if any of you dmed me or commented, I haven't read the notifs because there are too many.

So please, resend any dms and I'll try to reply :>

This chapter might not be the best, I'm kinda out of practise and I now actually make gaming videos, and I'm still setting myself up and trying to organize myself. (I'M HOPELESS ;-;)

It's kinda an angsty hanahaki chapter, mainly Tubbo angst, I really like the concept of it lol.

So uh, here. I hope you enjoy.

TW: Blood, throwing up, hyperventilating (lmk if i missed any)

Tubbo's POV:

I was streaming right now, trying to impress Tommy with an insane bedwars play.

As I destroyed the remaining bed and killed the player, I heard Tommy log off the call.

"Bruh, he left-"

I tried to sound offhand about it so chat wouldn't laugh or be weird, but inside I was confused.

On my second monitor, i checked discord and saw that Tommy was now on TimeDeo's SMP, on a call with him!

It's not like I was jealous or anything, but he could have at least warned me and not just logged off the call like that.

I continued streaming until Ranboo and Phil joined Hypixel too. I dmed them a quick message:

"Hey, wanna play with me?''

Instead of getting a reply, I just saw both of them doing party games. Now slightly pissed as well as a little bit upset, I decided to end stream right there and then, and as I waved goodbye to chat, and clicked the end stream button, I finally let my smile fall.

They don't want to play with you, Toby. You're just too annoying and they hate you, you know it.

I groaned and shook my head, trying to clear it of any intrusive thoughts.

Dissed, I consider going on a call with someone just for some company, but end up just lying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling (while I hold back what's on my mind)

Eventually I get annoyed at myself and go dowstairs, deciding to make myself some food.

I end up pouring myself a bowl of cheerios, adding orange juice instead of milk.

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