Into Fire

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Halo y'all! Have you missed me?
(Yes you have admit it ^v^)

So like a posted LaSt wEEk I got grounded by absolutely aMazIng foster parents, and got 1 week of no electronics whatsoever.
Very annoying I know.

So I am back! And will treat you to an extra long chapter (I had no idea where I was going with this actually)

Trigger Warnings will include:  arson, etting burned, fire, slight blood maybe, and pyromanicicity (stfu i don't know the word)

That should be it let me know if there are any more :)

Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were just chillin' on a summer afternoon, making jokes and being lame.

Suddenly Tubbo looked at the other two, an impish grin they both only knew too well on his face.

''Uh oh, Tubbo, whatever you're planning, it's a no.'' Ranboo said. Tommy however, was interested in anything that had to do with trouble, and egged the goat boy on.
"Arson." Tubbo said, grinning more widely even, so the edges of his lips nearly got to his ears.

Tommy got to his feet, thinking. Where and what would they set fire to?
The woods? Nah, they were the homes of raccoons and goats.

Maybe someone's base? No, they couldn't risk another war happening.
Tommy was still trying to find a good place, Tubbo jumped up as well and pointed.

Tommy gave a gasp as he saw what was being pointed at. ''You want to set fire to the pit?''

Tubbo nodded. ''It has done so much bad things. Well, not it personally. But the idea of it.
And, no one needs it anymore. And if they did, they would only use it to harm.''

''So, technically, we're not doing anything wrong, are we? We're just... getting rid of something bad.'' Tommy said, trying to think of their soon to be crime as a good deed.

Ranboo finally got a say in the conversation, and frantically shook his head attempting to explain why they shouldn't do it.

''Boo, we are doing something good. Now, either you come along, or stay. It's up to you, and no-one will judge you. Okay?''
Tubbo was trying to be nice, while the pyromanic side of him was getting hyped at the prospect of a bonfire.

Ranboo sighed and knew that he had no other choice. He had to go, to keep the two gremlins from getting carried away with the matches.

Tubbo actually had a bag on him, with all the necessary material for arsonery.
Matches, gasoline, more matches and some tissues for igniting (look idk how arson works I've never done it. Feel free to leave advice if you've ever done it and know how :D)

They headed towards the pit. There was still some dried blood in it from the last few fights. Tommy shuddered at the memory of him fistfighting Techno. And the bruises that haunted him for weeks after.

Yes. It was a good thing it was all going to be reduced to ashes soon.

Tubbo poured gasoline on the floor, sprayed some on the walls, then added tissues and some sticks every here and there.
Then he struck the match and dropped it.

At first, nothing happened. Ranboo stood on high alert, ready to teleport them all should something go wrong. (Lol why do i always make Ranboo the ''good kid'' in my fics XD)

Then, suddenly, the whole place burst into flame. Tongues of fire licked at their clothes, knees and hands, climbed up the walls, and turned the whole place a mix of black ashes and bright red flames.

Tubbo watched, fascinated, as a wall crumbled to dust, smushing a nearby sapling and burying the few remaining benches in rubble.

Tommy got nearer, his eyes ablaze with the fire, and knelt next to it, cradling it.

''Okay, guys, it's enough. C'mon, let's go!" Ranboo half yelled, now a bit frightened. Tommy looked insane, and Tubbo no less.

Then, out of nowhere, Tubbo's backpack, that still had a few cans of gasoline in it, burst into flames as well and exploded.

''TUBBO!!" Both Ranboo and Tommy yelled, rushing to his rescue. He emerged from a cloud of black smoke, coughing and gasping.

He had a trickle of blood trailing down his forehead, but seemed otherwise unharmed. Until Ranboo noticed.

''Tubbo, your shirt us on fire!" (Mwahahaha yes UwU)

Tubbo gasped, looked down, then stumbled back in fear. He didn't want to be on fire.

Tommy screamed. ''Ranboo, do something!"

Ranboo did the only thing that made sense, and teleported into a nearby lake. He made sure Tubbo was extinguished, before really registering where he was.

Lake. Enderman. Water. Uh oh...

Pain seared through Ranboo's body, preventing him from teleporting out of the stretch of water that was causing him so much agony.

He vaguely heard a few gurgles. Had he had his head above water, he would bith hear and see two panicked boys, yelling his name and trying to pull him out.

Tubbo was freaked.

He pulled and tugged, and finally managed to get his best friend's head above water. Tommy grabbed Ranboo's legs and together they towed him to dry land.

Then they stripped his shirt off, and started getting to work on bandaging their unconscious friend.

After a while, Ranboo gasped, coughed up a gallon of water, and sat up.

''BOO!'' Tubbo yelled, tears of relief sliding down his singed and ashy face.

He looked down at his burned clothes. Then back up at Ranboo.
''Thank you!'' He whisper-yelled. (Yes this is a word no-one can convince me otherwise.)

Ranboo hugged him, wincing as he felt his burned torso.

''Well, that was fun, wasn't it?"


I finished the chapter.
And, out of context but:

I adopted a kitten! Well more rescued it but YESSSSS

His name is Onion. And he is a month old and absolutely adorable.

I can't upload a pic whyyyyy
Next chapter's cover will be Onion I promise.

Now, go take care of yourselves.

You deserve it and if someone tells you otherwise, let me know and I will invert their ribcages. :)

Ily all and you matter
Bye <3333

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