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Okay I'm doing some dnf anyways ^v^ WARNING: This is boyxboy if you don't like that don't read.

Anyways enjoy!

Tommy's POV:

Man, Dream and his stupid friends have to babysit me AGAIN! I kept telling Phil I'm old enough to look after myself, but he doesn't trust me to be by myself for more than 10 minutes without supervision. I mean I guess he has a point there even if I don't like it.

"Thanks Dream Team for agreeing to babysit Toms, I talked to him and he agreed to behave tonight." I rolled my eyes. By "Talk" he meant no video games for a week if I get a bad report.

"Help yourselves to anything in the fridge, there's some leftovers for Tommy but you can cook, I trust you, okay? And like usual please put him to bed at 10." "Yes Mr. Minecraft don't worry, we will make sure Thomas behaves and have great bonding time together!"

The moment Phil closed the door Sapnap turned to me: "Alright you little gremlin what do you want to do?" Another eye roll. This teen is so annoying! 

"VIDEO GAMES!!!" I stormed across the house making a huge racket and earning a frown from Nick. Of course Dream and George had made themselves comfortable on the couch and were exchanging cheesy love glances.

"Fine. Dream give Tommy your phone and I'll make dinner."

"Wait why my phone? Can't you give him yours?"

"No. I need mine for a recipe. I'm making cauliflower bake."

"EWWWWW!!!!" I graciously joined in the conversation with a loud gag.

"Tommy we don't say that. Cauliflower is healthy."

"Well for once Nick I'm gonna have to object. George and I are both allergic to cauliflower and I'm pretty sure Tommy is as well."

"Okay fine you idiots I'll make chicken. But you keep the gremlin child entertained."

And he left for the kitchen.

Dream's POV:

"Thanks there Clay I owe you one!"

"Okay then leave us alone. Here!" I tossed him my phone.

I turned to George. Man this kid is cute. He smiled up at me his goggles sliding down his head. I picked them up, kissed his forehead then put his goggles back on.

We just cuddled on the sofa when we were rudely interrupted by a gag and then laughter. Gremlin laughter.


I turned so fast I cricked my neck but nothing mattered except snatching the phone from Tommy's hands. He had opened my photo gallery and had found all the embarrassing ones! 

George and I at the beach. Me stroking George's hair. Sharing a lemonade with him. Carrying him bridal style then yeeting him into the pool. Even our first kiss! I will strangle this shit, I mean child, right now.

I grabbed his neck and started tickling him. He screamed and yelled for Sapnap and he came running. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING CLAY!!!!!"
"Tickling him. To death."



"Oh. The ones at the beach, ay?"

Ugh. I nodded. 

"PAHHAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Tommy's usual exploding laugh was accompanied by Sapnap's high pitched giggle (I've never heard Sapnap laugh properly okay)

The two dipshits rolled on the floor laughing their asses off.

Then we had to endure Tommy's chant. "Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay!!"

'Okay Thomas that's enough." George finally stepped in.

Sapnap's POV:

After I put Tommy to bed, which was practically torture, I went into the living room and saw that George had fallen asleep on Clay's chest, and Clay himself was breathing as softly as he could. Awe they are actually adorable. I felt bad for laughing at them earlier but I sat down on the recliner and watched them.


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