Starting Wars

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I might do a writing marathon but not now bc i'm still at school, I actually have no idea when school ends (ugh)

Also thank you Ooooooooooooooo9 for the follow, it means the world to me.

this happens in a minecraft world, so the dream smp.

Basically Tommy burns down George's house, but this time it's Sapnap who helps him not Ranboo.

TW: lots of yelling, a LOT of cussing and brief mention of death and exile.

Tommy's POV:

I decided to burn down GeorgeNotFound's house because I can.

I don't know what went through my mind but I ended up taking a flint and steel, and lighting every bit of his house on fire.

''What are you doing?'' Shit shit shit. I froze and slowly turned around.

''S- Sapnap? Uh- I'm...'' I said, cringing at myself for stuttering.

''Dude, if you wanted to burn down George's house you could have invited the most pyromanic person on the SMP to join, sheesh.''

I sighed in relief and handed Sapnap a flint and steel, before he turned my hand away and started making fire in his own.

I gasped in wonder as Sapnap's hands moved around, shooting fireballs and flame at poor George's wooden mushroom house.

To be fair, no one makes their house out of wood anymore. It's too old fashioned.

After the house was just a bunch of ashes on the grass, we both grinned evily at each other and ran back to the Greater Dream SMP.

There we ran into no other than the colorblind boy himself, George.

I looked at him and gave him the stink eye, as Sapnap flipped him off really quick.

''Sapnap, Tommy, what did I even do to you?'' He said in his british accent that never failed to make me laugh.

To be fair I had a british accent too, but of course mine is wayyyy nicer than George's.

As he continued his way, Sapnap and I split up. I returned to my cobblestone tower and Sapnao went to his underground base that I somehow knew about.


Dream's voice rang out through the whole world it seemed, because soon everyone crowded around him and I walked forwards slowly.

The first thing I noticed was that George was beside Dream and had a super pissed off look on his face.

''TOMMY! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU BURN DOWN GEORGE'S HOUSE? WHAT THE FUCK DID HE EVEN DO TO YOU?'' Dream yelled, his mask sliding down his face a bit as he was shaking with rage. He quickly pulled it up and started scribbling in a book, he looked up briefly and said: ''WELL? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!''

I had zero idea how to get out of this one. Do I lie? Do I blame it on Sapnap? No, he helped me out of a tight spot once. I owe him one.

''Because he's a bitch. The stinky bastard made a bedrock fucking penis in my backyard.''

That was perfectly true. I had caught him making some to piss me off.

''Where the fuck did he even get the bedrock from, and i don't see any in your yard right now.''

''Dude, he used the bedrock DreamXD gave him. That god is OP, and he also gave him a bunch of netherite blocks.''

''Is that true, George?'' Dream asked, now looking pissed at both of us.

''Yes. But it was for a good cause.''

''How did you get rid of the bedrock Tommy?''


Dream sighed. ''Fine. Tommy, you're exiled from the Greater Dream SMP. George, you can't build houses here anymore, but can still visit. Arson is worse than penises Tommy.'' Dream added upon seeing my incredulous face.

So that's how I ended up getting exiled.

Done lol. Thanks again for the follows, and yee.


Song recommendation: Revived, by Derivakat.

Imma post a few incorrect quotes later on.

Bye, drink water and take care of yourselves, you deserve it :)

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